Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

you can do that with every planes in WT x)

C also has 2 more pylons than A


ima never play again

Ok I’ve seen enough, I want dev server now

Gripen looks like just my kind of plane

Welcome to minor nation status.

That could balanced it out somewhat.

It has a much better engine and a better radar

Man, the AMRAAM crowd is in shambles right now


A-darters were never functional

Technically BAE did most of the work on the C model, but the UK is probably getting the SAAF C model, so no RH missles

in what way? Sweden should get A and C. then UK can get C


When you stretch out WW2 into 1.0-7.0BR and then you cram 60 years worth of aviation into 7.0-12.3.
Truly a Gaijin moment.


it doesn’t tho?

Gripen A gets skyflashes dogfight

if you’re lucky a new 1.3 truck with a gun!


There probably has been a functional prototype, but production hasnt started yet

run only one of these to send in ppls face

but yeah it sucks, kinda like any sarh that isn’t USA/Rus in the game

Yall better not sleep on Sweden, minor nation sure but when they get the modernized Gripen’s with Data link you may have a vibe check,

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More missiles.

he said something about Fox3s

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