Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Ballistic missile

Would have to be a surprise addition if the leak list is 1:1. Which I would rather see something for ground.

how are you gonna research rank 1-6 with marineflieger?

FGM Javelin

Guys it could be the Gripen

watch them give it a direct fire mode for ground RB

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Let me ICBM the enemy it should be able to pen

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Sarmat is its name,
Nuking is its game.

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well i am gonna go, do some choirs complety confused about that tornado…

If it’s lower than the MFG it’s somewhat P2W

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penetration: 4,000,000mm

ain’t that the point?


Usually leak list don’t have 100% of what is coming. Hope we have some surprise even if the leak list is 100% correct.


lower then 10.7 so, 10-0 or 10.3, with a prototype worse engine is my guess, question is how much worse and it wont be able to bomb because of the F111A in that case in the first place as well

ok lol

Watch Japan get nothing this patch.
Not even an F-15 when America gets theirs.

F35B maybe?

Gripen ?