Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

They wanted to replace all of their tanks with this?

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I know thats sarcasm (hopefully) but it still made me giggle tbh

It is a very good looking tank, especially when the watermelon camo is equipped

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If it’s not sarcasm then i would say it would have been a pretty dumb decision


LAVs variants were to replace all the Leopard 1 in use by Canada. I believe the thought Anti-tank missiles had hit a point here where they were better than tanks.

Quote from Thatz in the MMEV post.


idk about you guys but im still praying for a CF18


Same. Unless we get a Gripen blog saying it’s coming to the UK. I’ll hold out hope until the last dev blog.


They wanted to replace the Leopard 1 with the Stryker MGS, but they quickly realised the multitude of problems with the platform (it just wasn’t built to handle a 105 mm gun) and so the Leopard 1 was rushed back into service for Afghanistan. It was then gradually supplemented by the Leopard 2.

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I’m not expecting the F18 this patch if the F15 is coming

They’ll likely be the star of an update

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I remember that 1000 pages were a lot, though there was also a way stricter moderation imo, they hid a lot of off-topic posts and closed discussion for sometime when we were too unruly)

Part 3 woah

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I guess hoping is good, even if the chance of it happening is likely 1% or less.

Wonder when a mod will come to pin this one.

I find so much joy yet also sadness that the most hyped vehicle this patch so far is a new capable British jet



Which could just be a copy paste gripen from Sweden


Part 3?


We are connected to supply of copium waiting for you to pull the plug


Hopefully with a trailer to make it to #4

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yes, we are expending hopium reserves at a great rate