Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

I do

F15C is probably being saved for AMRAAMS if they don’t come F15J didn’t use 120s so it could come earlier

Did the Chinese ever touch the RWR on the first J-11’s? Im worried cus soviet RWR’s arnt exactly well known for their quality, and I’m not familiar with the Su-27’s…

When are we getting the devstream?

What difference could be in the game? If it’s just a name changes or something we already have I bet china getting it togethere with soviet in 1 patch

Later version have more differences
Down the line China will have the best flankers

shouldn’t the Su-27 have that fancy russian RWR from the SMT?

Seems very likely now, with something on the twitch schedule and Smin said “maybe”

But we are getting early variants, no?

I’m not sure but the SMT is a much more modern plane, from the Russian Federation…

Yeah so most likely the same

I dont know exactly my guess is they did though

ik ik Im just going off of what I learned in the DCS Beginners guide

SMT is newer then the su27

@Smin1080p J-11 for china?

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I know

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You’ll have to wait for the stream

Bro, Smin has already said he won’t answer questions right now

Wait for the news

“we are not going to make any announcements or answer spesific questions before the streams”

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