Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Since they get a premium they will also receive a Rank VIII tech tree tank.

8 magic 2 would be the best.

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The trick is to calculate what is right and what is wrong and or what is missing from the list when we know more ^^

any “real” leak list would be 100% correct without errors to a certain degree, since somethings may just not be ready for the content patches… but still you would expect the list to be something like 95% correct at least


If not this patch, I will be on the Eurofighter bandwagon, the patch is young mate. Let’s see how it shakes out for the UK.

We could really do with 13.3 decompression now they’ve gotten to this point. Like decompression is desperately needed

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there was a trailer already so will stingers get the desired 22g?

Let the US and USSR mains that get massive hand holding ocmplain when other nations ask for even a single addiiton per year




which will most likely be worse then everyone else’s 11.7s at rank 7

13G take it or leave it))


either way he is very weirdly good in calculating then, the helicopters , premium tornado didnt seems like easy calculations…


I’m out of likes, but I like this. Alhamdulillah

No, but there will be a news post dedicated to Stingers I’ve been told.

EF is denied, ARH isn’t even here and no EF nation has had any high frequency SARH missile capable of being mounted to EF. Trust me I want the EF or something that level hence my EAP obsession but its not coming anytime soon. We will just have to cope through this next year until its our time.


But I Want It Now GIFs | Tenor


Gaijin won’t just admit they have some kind of leak or are doing guerilla marketing or whatever it’s called

I sound like a broken record, keep an eye on the news.


already denied, literally every variant so not happening and they said its no where near coming so not for at least another year ( cant wait to sit here and just get farmed by the better nations)

As a British man I have to bring this question up. WHERE IS OUR “TOP TIER” FIGHTER?

Hope that there will even be one…


Yeah… we’ll see, most likely Gripen C with 9M only…

But at least Typhoon can come in march