The frontal add-on armour module.
we will see tomorrow
For me, it was without a doubt the best patch of the year and the teaser at the same time! Now Gaijin has my respect!
Me looking for a single hint of a British jet and nothing to be seen sad
IT was on the PSO crying post, doubt they will do such a shot in the foot with promising a strv to a bunch of angry ger mains
Well something like that. It is better to use German markings than some strange Swedish one
Personaly i still find this to be a bad trailer. It is the introduction of rank 8 ground vehicles. The whole update gets named air superiority, shows mostly air. And only shows the new tanks of the main “meta” nations US, USSR and Sweden. The Strv122b+ only has a short amount of view time as well. might as well have shown the german one and throw us a bone for once as well TT
Ofc it’s gonna be a copypaste, UK doesn’t have a jet that fits the timeframe
Damn are we seriously sticking to the SARH meta? Gripen without Fox-3s is DoA
Amen brother. I’m still hopeful we’ll have some older goodies for this update.
I mean it’s nice to see so many highly anticipated stuff out of the way in one go, that’ll leave more room in next patches for more surprising stuff.
new radar btw ? Perhaps fix on map ?
go to the russian forums
Cinematic thing, or at least i think so just liek the one at the start of the vid
it is probably a ship radar
we’ll see in the dev stream
can’t wait to look at them take 35 min on the T-90 and 20 on the Su-25 tomorrow
i just wish i could have cool jet fighter duels like in the teaser, but it’s impossible in the current 16v16 clusterfuck
Dev stream was going live someone said? Link?
Ohh, the addon armour on the side?
Not everyone. Italy and Israel won’t receive any new top tier air. Japan might get F-15. Germany might get SU-27.