Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

most likely strv 122b+, with side modification unequipped

it was looking for submarine

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I would say it is for the sake of cinematic, minght be wrong but i dont think anything like that is coming


:'( Italy confirmed not getting anything.

i hope the mirage 4000 will have the 14 msl loadout


And what does this have to do with Germany? This is a name that is used only by the Swedes and no one else. Correct Leopard 2S - Sweden

It probably is. An ACMAT TPK 6.41 VPC .

Its a bit too centered on top tier for me. I would like to see more 5.3-8.3 region stuff, esp SPAA or light armour (though the BTR is nice).

Trailers do not show every thing… more details will be shared soon enough!


idk I mean it doesn’t have a militiray camo but the camo of the prototype , this could mean nothing too but I don’t want to be exited for “nothing”

anyone know when will be the dev stream?

acmat vlra 2 * 20 mm

It has the AMAP-SC side armour equipped as you can tell here. The links between the modules stick out.

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Imagine :D

I never said that it has to do anything with the Germans, I just explained the name

Can we tell ir its a F-15A or C? Either way im so pumped

It’s kinda funny that, just as Germany is about to get ONE tank with equal armor to Strv 122A and Strv 122B… Sweden gets Strv 122B+ too xD

See, this is why I don’t think even 2A7V would be out of place or powercreep. Germany gets the best tank in the world as of now, yes… but its backups are far from being on the level of other nations’ backups.


The sooner it is, the sooner you will put out the bonfire that has lit up the GER community right now.

ah fair, i went with the unequip because the turret doesnt have the full side armor

its an A