the 2a8 demonstrator isnt a real thing yet either is it? as far as i am aware it only is a show and tell currently as well, the compelte specifications arent compeltly done yet right ?
Besides that someone mentioned that Eurothrophy will integrate LWS for the leopards as well you know if that ones right?
More like 15:00 gmt
the 2A8 is supossed to be getting a hull rework to accomodate the “new” engine found on the PSO btw the 1630HP one
I wasn’t really expecting one today as Thursdays are the golden day it seems now
jup i am aware, gotta carry the few more tons somehow
The demonstrator is just a demonstrator. The final 2A8 will probably look very similar as it’s supposed to start delivery in just about a year but some things might still change.
here is me hoping we will see a german 2a8 with the side armor add ons as well
also i think it was getting a new electric transmission an HMT if im not wrong or was it some other i forgot tbh
its getting an RWS, that at least is sth new for germany as well
that means LWS as well ig
i would be happy if he would just release us of his curse for today
rws doesnt necesarily mean LWS, PSO as example doesnt have an LWS. remember RWS stands for remote weapon station, not sth like radar warning system (i did that mistake myself for some time)
I would suggest you use RCWS to avoid any confusion in the future
or RWR
So anyway, what nation do you guys think is coming next into War Thunder and why?
I know @Deathmisser thinks it’s Poland but I don’t really agree with his reasoning.
mistaked for another system
I hope we have to get popcorn and paper towels for tomorrow
I dont think theres gonna be another full nation but sub nation? Honestly im not sure