Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

depending on context example: be careful that wolf is ferocious meaning its fierce and cruel or normal day conversion “I have a ferocious hangover” ferocious be used as replacement as very extreme / very bad .


Grom already said no more rank 8 premiums ,so might be the tiger one

ah so it’s like a fancy mix word for when something is dangerous/painful/ruthless etc.

I wonder what prem will get that

it has to be a preorder pack if there’s a title involved

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pretty much yeah its more creative way of wording something instead of being monotone.

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yea so its the tiger e then that we’re getting

great, boring devblogs for a boat and some tank we already have

Gonna guess blog today is either a Boat (probably prem) or a Rank 8 tank to show off.
IF the rest of the leaks are true, the air additions seem more like teaser material to me then showing off in blogs first to generate more hype

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yea the rank 8 tanks seem like teaser materiaal too

or AlphaJet

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I think Bob semple can be considered as very extreme

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Some of them do. The main hype generators for rank VIII ground for the average players will be the new 2A7V, SEPv2 and T-90M. Assuming that the leaks are true.

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and those dropping in the teaswr as part of a heavy ground battle with Su-27 showing up, then F-15 coming for the rescue would be really fitting


did the leaks discourage devs from working lol

maybe they got a cold

yeah it could be ferocious against Emu’s lol

the Emus won

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Yeah same teaser style as the update that introduced the Viggen.

I didn’t call you a noobie and never mentioned anything about you being new player. I was just making fun of the community note that showed us your first post here is “devblog when”, even though you meant it as a joke.

Btw I’m not playing as long as you are but still I’m far from newbie and to be fair I also answered your question so you’re in no need to be salty anymore

Now with Grippy 🙏

I think the role of the Viggen in the teaser back then will be filled by the Su-27 or F-15 this time.