Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

No lol

Dude the Leopard 2a7V is not even done, why are you crying ?

You can nonpen its spall liner, if it stays like this it will easily be the best tank at top tier.

now i wait a week to try the Gripen
Kingpin Pen GIF - Kingpin Pen Waiting GIFs

F15 is a complete brick lmao Jesus christ.


Move your mouse down a millimeter and don’t troll here.

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Because gajin already denied multiple bug reports about it which clearly are bugs

About the Leopard 2A7V ?

Alright what have we been discussing in 6000 posts gimme a summary besides dev server

whining and trailer stuff

F15 is a doa brick, su27 domination for the next 4 months, Sweden got a borderline doa gripen and UK gets the good one for no reason.

Utterly disappointed with what US gets this update:
M1A2 Same Exact Protection V2
F-15 that is worse than other variants, especially the Japanese one and definitely worse than Su-27 both in FM and in armament BY FAR.
We’ll propably have to wait 6 months until June to get BVR missiles and we’ll propably still be screwed. NATO will get early AMRAAMS, USSR will get R-77 which is more like AIM-120C equivalent, not early AMRAAM.
I sensed this is coming so I had grinded USSR air tree in recent months, so I’ll enjoy Su-27. Good luck to US exclusives, though, I wish you a lot of patience, having such an iconic plane is such a sad state in current meta will suck.



Bug report about better internal armor compared to Strv122b denied

Bug report about shoots that bounce on the Strv122b+ penetrate the 2A7V denied

Dont worry, im not.

let’s hope it not final that’ll be suck

spall liner its kinda dumb as of rn its a shell liner right now not a spall liner

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It is INCREDIBLY easy to find spots you nonpen

SepV2 is a lot of nothing.

Chally 3 is actually just a chally 2 with a new gun.

T90M should be a full br or two more than anything else (and gets a functioning spall liner).

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that we got at least acknowledged for the 2a7V …

Before you guys get to depressed with the f15 flight model , Everything is Work In Progress, we have a dam blue leopard for petes sake. Submit bugs if you have to , but just wait , if its that bad its obviously placeholder and will be improved down the road.