Shoutout to all the 11.3 stock phantoms who have to fight SU-27 and F15
Oh, it turns out the American F-15 is F-15A, but Japan gets F-15J, which is a Japanese F-15C…
I do not understand- why does Japan get a better F-15 than F-15’s producer?
Finally one of the Japanese indigenous missiles is added.
Fastest print screen in the west lol
Japan get’s the best F-15 lol
Everyone gets F-15 like the F-16 lol
Type-99 155mm SPH !!! Lets Go !!!
We riot now
Because Japan never used the A.
40G missile for F-15.
Can we have the 50G for magics2 now? :p
it’s a F-15C airframe with F-15A eqivelant avionics and weapons until later upgrades, it’s about the same as the A
its rather typical avenger, we known each other long enough to know america will always be on “what why?” when stuff is added
They probably just copied the model of the 15A for the 15J and gave it the same stats.
It’ll likely not be a big difference.
I’m on 2 screens so yk ))
Python 3 has been ingame for a while now lol
the only difference is the model and amraam capability which we don’t even have
stop crying jesus christ
RWR rework maybe, with contact distances shown in relation to the signal strength
also f15 seems it won’t have HMD, and snap like a twig… nice