Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

im waiting

Yes, i felt disturbance in the force, so i have awoken and came here, the blog is near

your disturbance in the force must have been sth else

Please be something British

another swordfish



Yea, probably

Ive been bonked guess its T90M blog

or maybe Objekt 640 Black Eagle blog instead

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The list guides us T90M it shall be

Yea, that wont happen. Too soon for that thingy

no dolgveb?

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That would actually be really nice and interesting

I believe in dovbleg

" too soon " … really? lol

We are in the window now

No blogdev yet

smh just wait, they’re always a few minutes late

Yes, so i said. It is too soon for any russian blog. Leave the best for the last or smth like that

who’ll post the devblog when it arrives?