Major game breaking bug im surprised its not fixed and i have to actually come here waste my time to tell you about it

I can’t see that?

Which UI?

What keybind are you using for screenshots, if simply using windows screenshots?

Then find a better method of screenshotting? ShareX works best for convenience, but the UI is quite old and has its issues.

when i use steam screenshot none of the ui shows up just gameplay does, and i cannot use my windows screenshot when im in game

and i dont want to use 3rd party screenshot software when i have windows

do you need glasses?

so the only advice i got was to restart the game here? nice

And you won’t get any advice from me, except to get some manners.

Yes, you’ve been given the solution.

You sure are keen on scrapping the capabilities of Windows while refusing to use a different screenshotting software…

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why would i be pretending to be nice here with ur team when they have decided to ban me from a chat for a year undeserved

Paranoia perhaps?

solution for the bug or for the screenshots?


maybe game should implement a possibility to use windows screenshots for everyones sake

They do.

You are on candid camera?

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they dont because when i click prtsc nothing happens

Are you in Fullscreen or Borderless Window?

maybe the game should implement a possibility to use windows screenshots when in fullscreen

The game can’t do anything about that, it’s an OS problem.

Believe me, not everything is the game’s fault. Sometimes a majority of your issues are your fault alone.

oh yeah i have 1 more bug. when im “ground” arcade mode and when i choose a heli i usualy can click space to fire missiles but sometimes i get a heli and space to fire missiles just doesnt work