I have a question for the American mains here. The M1A1 (and its later variants) have access to the M830A1 HEATFS, which in real life is called MPAT (M830-MP-T). This is a HEATFS shell that can also act as an HE-VT round. My question to you guys is, why don’t y’all use it? Is it that bad that you guys don’t equip it?
I would aways carry a few rounds when I was playing with the Abrams. But they used to pop the turret cause gaijin thought the blast doors couldn’t contain the blast from heat rounds. Don’t know if people know they fixed that issue a while back.
its actually really good once you know how to use it, i use it to spaa all the time(yes im serious)
But they actually dont?
That is the reason why western mbts usually lack HE ammo, despite HE being the main useful shell type irl.
Because the blast doors cant take it.
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The blowout pannels will fly off directing the pressure up away from the blast doors. Heat is loaded point to the rear of the turret so the detonation will go out the back not into the compartment.