M4A3E2 rubber shells

Unironically a skill issue.

80% of the tanks you fight require weak point shots from you. 80% of the tanks you fight point and click you anywhere. Surely a skill issue.
One BR up you get the M51. Two BRs down you get the M4A4 SA50. Two BRs down you have the Strv m42 DT. All are better vehicles. Hell, i’ll take a M36B2 or ARL-44 over a easy 8.

76mm M1 gun firing M62 has COMPARABLE performance to Tiger I 8,8cm KwK 36 L/56. If you dont think thats cracked performance for a gun on a medium tank, I dont know what to tell you. Maybe you think Tiger Is are tad too high in BR?

M62 fired from M1
shot 2024.02.29 23.00.06

Has only 16mm of flat pen less than Pzgr 39 fired from short 88mm. While M62 also has less TNT equivalent, its faster by 19 m/s.

shot 2024.02.29 22.59.44

Even if you want to compare it to Pzgr, M62 has only 4mm of flat pen less, while Pzgr has more TNT filler and is faster by 18m/s.

shot 2024.02.29 22.59.55

I can count on fingers of one hand where difference of 16mm and 4mm of flat pen difference are going to be actually relevant.

And I would still need to think pretty damn hard.

Anything that can Tiger pen, 76mm armed shermans can probably pen

Anyway, there is one important stat where 76mm beats out the short 88mm, and thats reload speed.

My lvl 150 expert crew tiger

shot 2024.02.29 23.09.52

Has reload speed of 7.9s
shot 2024.02.29 23.11.06

My M4A1(76)W Sherman with its lvl 15 expert crew
shot 2024.02.29 23.11.46

Reloads more than a second faster.

shot 2024.02.29 23.12.33

My E8 with comparable crew reloads 6.8s, which is still more than a second faster.

If I had max aced crews on both E8 and Tiger I E, the reloads would still be more than a second apart.

So the gun definetively is comparable in performance, lacking in some areas while being better in others.

There is one thing that elevates the shermans gun tho, and that is the short stop stabilizer.

Sure, your armor isnt powerful enough. Does it matter when you will almost always fire first? If you know where to aim, the Sherman IS the superior option and are perfectly fine where they are.

Case example, my stats on Tiger I E and 76mm shermans.

Shouldnt I have worse stats on so called inferior tanks?

Nice wall of text.

16mm of pen is INCREDIBLY important when fighting… essentially everything you would have difficulty penning. Tiger hulls, IS1/2 hull/mantlet, ARL 44 mantlet, ect. Nearly every armored vehicle at this BR has flat surfaces as its weak point. 16 pen is essentially the difference in difficulty penning at 10m vs 500m.

76mm might need a 2nd shot to kill a tiger. A tiger is rarely going to need a 2nd shot to kill a sherman. They can center of mass, you have to cupola shot if they are angled or roll the dice the mantlet is kind to you. Its not like the tiger bounces all that much <25kph. You can hit a sherman at 100m while moving at that speed reliably. Above that neither have stabs.

Your stats don’t show much. Are you looking at win rate? Because thats team dependant and we all know what ~6.0 german teams are like. A bunch of first-nation players with little experience. Also, which nation did you play first? With a 150 skill german tank crew i’d guess it was germany.

Tigers have actual armor. 100m angled at 30 will bounce many 5.7 rounds, especially at distance. Sherman armor is barely effective against AA by 5.7.

There is no treshold where 16mm makes a difference.

Strongest armor at 5.7 to 6.0 are between 100 and 120mm, both 76mm and short 88mm have enough pen to punc through those and 16mm isnt going to make a difference.

As far as i know there is no relevant armor plate on any tank at 5.7 to 6.0 that cant be penned by 76mm but can be penned by Tiger I.

And sherman will always fire first. Only time my 76mm needs a second shot is when i hit the cupola and kill 3 out of 5 members of the crew.

Hits to the hull are one hit kill.

Tiger I absolutely cant fire reliably when on move.

If angled AND kept at distance.

In city fight their armor is shit.

KD above 2 for two of the shermans and nearly 2 for E8 on tanks you paint as worse tanks in the game simply doesnt make sense if what you say is true.