M48A5, The Patton III with a bite! (suggestion draft)

Disclaimer: There is already a suggestion for the M48A5; however, that version is an experimental version that was a testbed for a stabilizer. The version suggested here does not feature any stabilization and is the actual production variant.

THE M48A5, The Patton III with a bite!


The M48A5’s origin and place in War Thunder:

The M48A4’s were several prototype M48’s. They were built off of M48A3 Hulls and were modified to mount the M60’s turret, this gave the Patton a greatly improved bite. The resulting production model was named the M48A5 Patton III. Currently the M48A1 is lackluster in terms of features and is not played by many players due to it being an optional vehicle that is not necessary to play in order to progress. If the M48A5 were to be added to War Thunder, It would likely be placed at the 8.0 BR range due to its turret being identical to the M60, also placed at 8.0. It would help to fill in the lack of US vehicles seen at the 8.0 battle rating. (currently, there are only four, with two of them being premiums/events)

The introduction of the M48A5 would also help to bring equipment to the US Tech tree that currently is seen on very few vehicles for the US. There is also the fact that its BR would likely be set at 8.0 due to the premium Magtech 3 that was removed from the US when Israel was introduced to the game, as the Magtech 3 is almost identical to the M48A5 in appearance with the major changes being in its engine, the lack of smoke grenades on the M48A5, and the roof mounted machine gun.


The m48A5 was one of the lesser-known variants of the m48. it featured the M68 105mm cannon mounted in an M60 turret that was placed upon an M48A3’s Hull. Its mobility was unaffected in terms of top speed acceleration was possibly affected). The M48A5 was fitted with an M1 cupola (the same one seen on the current M48A1) and was fitted with an M2 BMG 12.7mm machine gun. The m48A5 was also armed with an M37 7.62mm coax machine gun.

Additional Equipment:

The M48A5 was one of the most capable Patton III variants in the world, it was able to be mounted with an M8 bulldozer kit, giving it the ability to create defensive positions and lowering its visible profile. The M48A5 was also capable of mounting an infrared spotlight that would allow for the m48 to operate at night without having to use its headlights.


Designation: M48A5
Amount produced: Approx. 2570 (upgraded from previous models 1975-1979)


Top speed: 30mph/48kph on paved flat ground
Hp: 750 hp at 2400 rpm
Crew: 4
Weight: 49.01 tons (rounded up to the nearest hundredth)
Fuel amount: 1420 L
Turning radius: none (neutral steering)


This section pertains to ammunition and detailed specifications on the turret, And the stats shown are based on fully researched with all modifications unlocked with crew level not being accounted for.

Ammo types:
APDS- Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot (M39A2)
HEATFS- High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin Stabilized (M456)
HESH- High Explosive Squash Head (M393A2)
Smoke- Smoke (shell name unknown)

Horizontal traverse: 360 degrees ( 16.8 degrees a second)
Frontal vertical traverse: -9 to 19 degrees (2.8 degrees a second)
Rear vertical traverse: Unknown to 19 degrees (2.8 degrees a second)
rear downwards vertical traverse is limited due to the raised engine deck

12.7mm Machine gun mount:
ammo: 180 rounds (900 total)
Horizontal traverse: 360 degrees ( 16.8 degrees a second)
Vertical traverse: -15 to 60 degrees (10.5 degrees a second)

M37 7.62mm coax:
Ammo: 250 rounds (6000 total)
traverse: None (follows the rotation of the turret)


Front hull: 101-120mm
Front turret: 110mm
Sides turret: 76mm
Sides hull: 51-76mm
Bottom: 63mm
Top turret: 25mm
Top: hull: 57mm

Additional images


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Do you think it should be foldered?
  • Yes folder it with the m47/m48
  • No it should be on its own
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90mm Gun Tank M48 Patton 48 (lists the technical manual in the references but I am unable to find a free version of the TM anywhere)
The technical manual number: TM 9-2350-258-10 C5
Janes Armor and Artillery Upgrades 2002 (thanks to Armen Lozone, see his comment for that info)

ooh interesting. Pakistan Army used a bunch of these. i have a few sources that skim talk abt this. would you want some?

If they are in English sure, that would be great.

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I’d think it’d be more interesting with M774 at 8.3 as a M48A2GA2 equivalent (better ammo but worse mobility)

the whole idea is kind of for it to be at 8.0

  • Janes Armour and Artillery Upgrades (web ver) 2002
    Screenshot 2025-03-24 223210
    Screenshot 2025-03-24 223221
    Screenshot 2025-03-24 223235
    Screenshot 2025-03-24 223245

  • more coming up

do you have a PDF file version?

yes but its too large (8K pages) to send on forum. i can try gmail

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Understandable, though unless it’s a premium I’d think it’d be more unique and useful as an 8.3 glass cannon than at 8.0 as essentially a duplicate M60 with less hull armour

it already is a premium in the form of the Magtech 3

A premium that hasn’t been accessible in over 3 years

people still have it though