The M48 Patton III, the last in the legendary line of Patton tanks. There are many M48’s in War Thunder, However, the birth nation of the Patton, The United States of America is lacking in terms of the Patton as it only has the original m48A1 in its entire tech tree. The M48 was the US army’s MBT during the Vietnam war and throughout the beginning of the cold war, Yet just as in real life the M48 is overshadowed by its brother the M60 series. The mediocre gun performance and mobility of the M48A1 play a large part in why the M48A1 is one of the lesser-played vehicles in the US tech tree.

A possible solution would be to add the M48A3, Effectively an Improved M48A2, it features the same gun, turret design, and Hull design but with a new diesel engine that improved upon safety compared to the M48A1/A2. The improved safety was due to diesel being less prone to explosions compared to gas. The M48A3 offers other advantages over the A1 as well, Most visually it offers an IR spotlight Mounted to the mantlet*. Another upgrade that it could receive would be an additional .50 BMG mounted to the cupola that was able to be used in addition to the .50 BMG mounted in the cupola. (images will be added in the future)
In addition to those advantages the M48A3 was capable of being fitted with a dozer blade that would allow it to construct trenches and hull down positions for it to fight from, this would offer the M48A3 a significant advantage over the M48A1, and would allow it to be on somewhat equal terms with the M60 with its dozer blade being able to make up for its short comings. (the IR spotlight would not have much use due to it not being anywhere near the Night battles Br range.) There were many other advantages in addition to these that I will list below.
Amount produced:
Top speed: 30 mph (on flat level ground
Weight: 53 tons
Weaponry (when fully equipped) : 2x .50BMG, 1x 90mm, 1x 7.62 MG (coax)
List of improvements over the M48A1
Additional Roof mounted .50 BMG
IR spotlight
Dozer Blade
Additional armor framing around non critical parts (engine deck head/tail lights)
IR for the gunner
IR drivers view
Additional headroom for the commander (possible increased survivability for the commander)
Decreased possibility for fuel explosions in the engine
Spall liner
The M48A3 did have some disadvantages to go with it though.
Lower engine Hp compared to the M48A1/2
Taller Cupola (easier to spot target)
Higher visibility
Raised Engine Deck (very low gun depression to the rear)
Lower speed and a decreased ability to climb up slopes
- Yes
- No
Fun Facts:
-The M48 had a telephone mounted on the rear of the tank so that infantry could communicate with the tank crew (the M41A1 also had this feature and is shown in the movie Full metal jacket)
-The M48A3 was converted into the M48A4 where the turret was replaced with an M60 turret.
-The M48A3 uses the exact same exhaust grills as the M60!