M44: Big-Bore Bulldog

that cant be right cuase the m44 is rank 3, maybe they will bump the dicker max to rank 3 and keep its br?

No, they even wrote it in the Changelog, that Sturer Emil was lowered to Br 4.0 and moved to Rank II.

but the m44 is rank 3

While you are at it, why dont you lower the Sturer Emil to Br 2.3, like other tanks with 50mm Armor, so it really feels at home at Rank II?

The Sturer Emil was moved to Rank II.
Whats your point?

Here, from the source.

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The M44 couldve been foldered with the Sturer Emil or vise versa. Would’ve been a way to avoid bumping another vehicle to rank 2.

The M44 is foldered in the German tree, with the flack truck.

M44 location Germany

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Yeah, where the Sturer Emil was, until it was moved to Rank II, for this overweight little garbage.

Technically it’s where the flack truck was as the Sturer Emil is the start of the folder, with the truck after it.

maybe both one the best and worse addition to wt at the same time. A 4.0 derp rat, yay, armor no longer exists.

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It is kinda funny because it probably helps the USA the most as its lower BR rank III section was getting kinda empty:)
So another vehicle fitting into T14 lineup or just 4.0BR strike team:P

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The only ones that dont need the TT filler for this is Italy and Germany.

I only say Italy tho because they could easily get Hungarian, Bulgarian, or Romanian vehicles to fill the tree too.

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Since 2023 they only add new vehicles if they are CTRL Vable to other nations.


It just seems like perfect counter to Russian armor around that BR, so I suspect that life of these tanks will get harder with M44.

Why give it to Germany???

Where is Wespe?
Where is Bison?
Where is Hummel?

Gaijin, seriously?


Its more ridiculous when considering how Germany has 101 research tree tanks while the US has 81 before this update, They can get a copy-paste from a nation far smaller than them but if you suggest copy pasting the other way around people will suddenly have a problem with it.

Ground sim is a huge mess with all of these clones running around, Low-mid tier is just full of constant team killing.


You know it’s a bad when this can kill it in a realistic scenario
Average Italian tank

I’m tired of the Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V when there are still vehicles in the nations these are going to that require vehicles made by THOSE countries that fill the same role and would be at the same BR’s.

Britain still needs;
Instead they get the M44.

Britain still needs;
Instead they get the M109.

Gaijin should focus more on adding vehicles made by the nation the vehicle goes to, rather than throwing another nations vehicle in there to fill the gap (unless they were EXTENSIVELY used eg. Priest), and do the exact same role and capabilities due to laziness. Don’t get me wrong, its nice to see these vehicles added, but I really wish they would focus on nation specific vehicles first; because doing this, removes the incentive to add more vehicles that add essentially nothing to the tech trees in the way of capabilities because they took the lazy rout.

TL;DR - Before you add something made by Germany to Italy or made by America to Britain, why don’t we look if Italy or Britain made something themself that fills the same role, and add that instead? rather than copying things from other TT’s that arn’t made by them.


I hope this paves the way to the M7 priest for the US and the Sexton for the UK