M24 Chaffee for British tech tree

+1 for the British Chaffee.

this would help build one of the best line-up of the US tree in the UK tree, with some differences

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I would love for Britain to get a 3.7 light tank, but the Chaffee is one of the worst options. There’s other tanks Britain could get *that would actually be unique. We shouldn’t add copy paste if we don’t need to.


XD the only difference would be CAS and the Cromwell. Maybe the Sarc if you’re masochistic enough to use it.

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What light, mobile, tracked platform with decent firepower (including a reverse gear) would you suggest that Britain could receive around this BR?


It doesn’t need to be unique, 289 Chaffees were received by the British and the UK was the only country other than the US to use them at scale during the war.

We named it Chaffee, as we did all US tanks until the Pattons.


Sure, it doesn’t NEEED to be unique, but I’d far prefer have a unique light tank for my 3.7 lineup.

Why am I so alienated in believing different nations should have different vehicles?

Maybe you’re so alienated because you do this in every post I’ve seen about lend lease equipement, which they have every right to maybe get in their tree. I don’t really think the British tree getting a good 3.3 light tank would be that big of an issue or take away from other thinks being added


Copy paste is bad, lend lease or not.

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Britain already has good light tanks- arguably better than the US everywhere but top tier. This isn’t needed.

Like I’ve already said, please make a suggestion for a British light tank that would sit at a BR of 3.7 then? As far as I’m aware, there really aren’t many options.

The Crusader Mk III (Late) would most likely be 3.3, and I love the Crusaders, but they have a WW1 engine and a top speed of 25mph, they aren’t particularly mobile for light tanks. They definitely are not even close to keeping up with the Chaffees and BT-7 (F32)s running around.


There’s quite a few, especially if you include the south african options. Heck even the Cromwell. The Cromwell is faster than the chaffee.

Please, list them then.

The Cromwell struggles as a light tank because -

A) It’s a medium, it doesn’t get scouting, so no marking enemies for the team or getting cheaper aircraft

B) Sure, it can absolutely rocket forwards, but it also can’t go backwards, so in terms of overall mobility I’d take the Chaffee (and most other light tanks) over the Cromwell any day


I would love to see this in the GBR tech tree in the future, hopefully South Africa gets added to it’s own tree soon :))


South Africa doesn’t have enough vehicles for its own tree, and Britain needs a subtree anyways.

It took me a minute to realize with this image, that everything there is UK-operated only, with everything not British-operated having been removed, even in the premiums and events section.

Tho I do agree, hopefully, ZA gets its own tree(along with the other major commonwealth nations), while the UK receives its missing lend-lease(and domestic stuff).

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Simply wrong: Numerous suggestions on this board have shown that SA can receive it’s own unique tree, and it should. Why fill Britain with Gripens, Mirages, and other copy paste vehicles when the tree doesn’t need them?

Your point contradicts itself …


We don’t need China No.2. South Africa doesn’t have enough native vehicles to be a standalone tech tree.

Why wouldn’t you want every nation to have its own unique tree given the chance, why merge nations together?

If you don’t want to play ZAF vehicles, you don’t have too, but why put them into the GBR tree when said tree can already be fully populated with indigenous vehicles? I don’t understand your take on this :(


Because copy paste is bad

Ok, thinking about it the upsides of the UK getting this tank outweigh the the one downside.

As this would bring the UK a good light with great mobility(including a good reverse speed), on top of that it gets another vehicle with APHE and if the UK wants to stay playable it needs it.

Honestly I don’t see what’s the problem of nations getting stuff they used, even more so when TTs represent nations not industry, especially when the vehicle in question was used by the hundreds. (The only real issue is that Gaijin adds the C&P first but this vehicle wouldn’t have that problem with what domestic could come is already there)


No .50 cal. It is a copy and paste but considering no .50 makes it a bit more interesting to use. So vehicle wise C&P but gameplay wise=can’t be ass aggressive. n_nb