M2018 6x6 NLOS ATGM Carrier

Never knew about this one! +1


+1, For the Korean tech tree or USSR as a event vehicle

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Relegating the many unique North Korean vehicles to events or premiums in the (already quite full) USSR tree probably isn’t the best idea…


I didn’t know tech trees were something that can be “full”, either way it’s the only other tree it could go to if not a Korean tree, which I’d prefer more tbh.

They have 5 quite saturated lines, and plenty of premiums and event vehicles. There are countless other Soviet tanks that would do better in the Soviet tree than North Korean ones.

China? Close relations, plenty of Chinese vehicles and weapons have gone to North Korea, potentially including the technology for the ATGMs that this vehicle carries.

But fair, quite a few people want a United Korea tree. I think I’d be happy either way but I have my preferences.

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This looks fun, hoping for it to come soon

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+1 for china

This vehicle was supposedly spotted being used by the Russians in a certain conflict, so either way, it can still happen.




At least now we can justify its place in the USSR TT.

No, no, no, there’s no place for it in the USSR TT, but there is in the hopefully future Korea TT


is the thing in left down corner is a base from air battles? ;)

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Now there is lol

There’s SEVERAL other ATGM vehicles that could be added to the USSR tree as a whole. Lets save this for a Korean Tree and then maybe come back to it later when more info is verified. There’s too many questions, like is it a Russian or possibly a DPRK crew operating it? We don’t know how far things have gone and should wait for official announcements.


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Whenever NLOS style vehicles start to arrise if ever, this I’m pretty sure it their only option unless there’s some that I don’t know about.
Also some of those questions you’ll probably never get answered, it’s pretty’s safe to assume they’re fighting under the Russian banner anyway so.
IF the reports of it being used are true.

While it may not be NLOS, the Kornet-D is quite a unique platform in its own right able to take on multiple targets at once with a quasi-FaF capability.
NLOS capability, It could get LMUR missiles for its Ka-52M (when its added) and the Mi-28NM helicopter fleet as well. Even the Mi-8AMTSh could get it but it would drag its BR up quite a bit. There are possible plans to integrate it on ground vehicles as well.
Russia has other options that can fill an NLOS-role, but we don’t really have NLOS in-game right now anyways.


I was speaking more for ground based vehicles.

Yeah, I was just trying to find unique to Russia ATGM vehicles. The closest I could find to definitely unique is the Kornet-D (to balance the capability of a lack of NLOS) and the possibility of future LMURS integration to a ground vehicle which would be the NLOS needed.
At least there’s options for NLOS as a whole with the LMUR.

It’s super weird how they haven’t made a dedicated vehicle for NLOS weapons yet.

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Working on updating this suggestion and expanding it a little, and just putting this here to begin with.

The NLOS ATGMs, tentatively called Bulsae-4 in most Western sources, are most likely not called that. Bulsae-4M is the name of the North Korean upgraded 9M111-2 Fagot with laser-beam riding guidance, which has also been given the inaccurate name of Bulsae-3 (so will also edit my UAZ-469 (Bulsae-4M) suggestion)

So a breakdown of ATGM names:
Bulsae-1 = 9M14 Malyutka (also called Susong-Po)
Bulsae-2 = 9M111-2 Fagot
Bulsae-4M = Bulsae-2 w/laser-beam riding guidance
Bulsae-5 = 9M133 Kornet

Bulsae-3 is not confirmed to be in use, but has been applied by people online to both the upgraded Bulsae-2, and the Kornet, before the name Bulsae-5 was revealed.

Therefore, it’s highly unlikely the new NLOS ATGM carries the designation Bulsae-4, and more likely is named Bulsae-6, or something completely different. For the purposes of clarity I’ll edit the post and use the name Bulsae-6, until more information emerges.

Below are images of an export leaflet shown to a prospective buyer in the documentary The Mole:

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