M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

My man likes to carpet bomb the whole map with the F-111

I think F-111 is the least of concerns in that line-up… A-1H… M6/T26?

I’ll vouch for plane because that’s a fun plane at any point lol.

Has anyone bugged all the mods about Abrams news? I wanna @ them all but it would probably annoy the hell outta them. The silence is deafening as of now…

Do it.

Well its clear the developers do not care for historical accuracy their Russian propaganda arc is complete. What a joke.


Welp its over boys looks like even sepv3 if they add it will have the same armor as base m1 lmao what a joke of a company.


But no worries, the laughable 1 second faster reload on a tank that spends most of the battle with a knocked out loader will surely greatly benefit the Abrams!!1!1!


I can’t even say I’m surprised lol. lmao even.


LMAOOO. They actually went and said that. No fcking way. It’s so over for the Abrams. I’m speechless.

They even had the balls to say the M829A3 would provide no improvement.


Base m1, you mean export armor

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oh well. Seems like they are not changing anything

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Start writing suggestions for the test vehicles for each Abrams variant.

Because every test vehicle from the M1E1 to the SEPv3 had a steel plate welded to the front of the hull for weight simulation. As far as i can tell anyways.

Also would just be funny the M1E1, the test vehicle that became A1 would have better hull armor than the SEPv2 in game

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here is two ways Gaijin could buff a tank:
1 by giving it historic armor and DU inserts
2 by buffing all it’s crew members to supermen and giving it 5 second reload

unsurprisingly they went for the latter


Won’t matter the devs obviously dont want to give the Abrams more armor to keep it gimped.


Just remember M829A3 with an anti-ERA tip would not actually improve the Abrams ability to defeat ERA.


How can they not add a steel plate added externally to the model?

Oh yeah, I forgot “giving it it’s main round that it used in service”

real cool Gaijin, real cool

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Best I can do is structural steel modifiers.


I mean I am sure a 750KE hull, a 700+pen round would do NOTHING to it’s in game presence…but 5 second reload will!