M1a2s at top tier

I don’t know what you’re trying to do here, but you’re only succeeding in being a clown.

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Generalizing others? Bro thats literally your first action every time someone has a problem with the abrams.

“How are you this bad at the game” literally every time someone finds an issue with any of the M1 abrams in game.

yes? ( I cant exactly remember the event in detail )

well I hope you get better

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Now he doesnt remember 💀

literally where have I said all that? you’re not really deliberately cooking up a narrative with that quote are you?


This ring a bell? Or do you not remember this either?

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so you’re just gonna bring up a response to a comically dubious take and spin it all around on me? idk but the number of likes on that post tells me something like maybe he is correct about the t90m part


Because your immediate response is to call american players bad at the game lol.

you’re welcome to quote me where I said exactly that and I will concede

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Brother… you liked the post, which clearly means you agree.

Let’s not change the story now. You know you liked that post because you agreed with what sneed said about american players.

Yeah, it wasn’t a great shot at all, however, poorly aimed shots can and often do kill tanks with worse survivability than an M1.
A ZTZ-99A, T-series tank or Merkava would’ve all likely gotten OHK’d from that shot due to them storing unprotected ammo in that section.

And it’s really just the disingenuousness that finally got under my skin.


did I already not tell you that I liked it because I agreed with sneed that such a dubious claim that the m1a2 doesnt have any advantages over the t90m is in fact very stupid?
why are you so desperate to spin this around to make it so that I ONLY liked that post because my hivemind super mega ultra anti-usa programming detected “usa players bad” in that post? seriously you’re grasping at straws here


POV you say that the Abrams is actually pretty good compared to most nations top tier tanks:

nanomachines son


You’ve literally been trying to gaslight the entire thread that you aren’t toxic. When @SPANISH_AVENGER says that you actively supported some BEYOND TOXIC behavior, you immediately developed amnesia.

Do you seriously believe that the M1A2 SepV2 is better than the T-90M? Because I hardly believe anybody genuinely believes that… Maybe the Sepv1 is arguably better, however the SEPv2 is definitely a downgrade.

However, you skip over that just to act like US players are simply too stupid to have genuine problems with their tanks.

POV Casino_Knight posts another strawman

You people refuse to actually comment on the points people make, and instead run and say “BUT MERKAVA!”


Each player can talk about the tank they want fixed. Nobody EVER said that the ABRAMS should solely be the tank that Gaijin chooses to fix, but you people choose to see it that way.


I don’t think you know what a strawman is and you should avoid trying to make yourself sound more intelligent by using words outside of their actual meaning.

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I think you should use google. It’s free, ya know?

yes, me along with 26 other people apparently

those are some pretty serious allegations you’re throwing around buddy. I already told @spanish_avenger I would like to put the past be in the past and not open that can of worms but since you’re so eager to use the suffering of others to make a gotcha attempt on an internet forum I say go ahead
I suppose you have a shred of evidence to back up this portrayal of me doing the horrible things that happened in that thread

is this a projection?

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If you were literate you would have read your own google search and realised that what I posted was not a strawman. Instead you’re just further embarrassing yourself attempting to double down on your attempt to be a pseudo-intellectual.


Here it is, was wondering when he will show up.

Ladies and Gentleman, Casino Knight is here.

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