M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

"Thats the thing about Catch-22…

… its the greatest catch there is."

Is anyone here really surprised by this, gaijin has said they dont think the US improved the M1s hull armor past the M1IP, thus they are never going to improve it.

No matter what we produce, they wont accept any improvements as fact.

This is another stinger situation where gnashing of teeth led to nothing productive after years of sourcing and proof.


Actually it’s incorrect completely. The M1A2 series of MBTs never had any armor installed in the first place.

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Russian main/bot right here


nice bait

It’s true

Per the RMOD’s sekret dokumentz- All abrams varients have had to add a metric boatload of Lead Sinkers to the turret and front gas tanks in order to keep the vehicle on the ground as the 1200mm NERA armor is actually spaced armor with Helium.

The explosive release of that helium is what blows off the Spall liners, creating secondary spall.



Funny you should say that because that’s actually the exact source I have.

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Massive change

Great movie

How many dev servers have you been on?

most of guys in chinese forum belive that M1’s downside can defends the 3BM42 just few times ago, and thats what i think too, amrican is not good at design the tanks. but if you guys can find evidence, i will be happy too cause im grinding US ground now

Tell them that we dont think their cage armor is 550 mm thick.

You know what else this tank is missing? M829A3


And a spall liner.


and they have already said “not a bug” gotta love when they ignore evidence


Trickzzter closed it 15 minutes ago with everything posted saying not a bug and “no new information provided”. This is actually insane.


gotta love how there is proof of development of better armor followed by money spent installing improved armor but he said that doesnt mean anything


I mean I’m not surprised its Trickzzter were talking about here I was fully expecting him to close it to be honest. Welp I dont think there is anything else left we can do. I guess were going to be stuck with a gimped abrams again.


I guess the only thing could be pming other mods but dont know how much that could do