M1A2 SEP V2 doesnt have better LFP armour

Trackula owned that loser. Hell yeah

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But this is mind-numbingly dumb that Gaijin adds a lot of weight to the vehicle with no improvement in protection.

I think one of the mods previously claimed “we won’t improve the armor because we’re not sure an improved armor package is an improvement.”

I can’t facepalm hard enough to protect them from their embarrassment.

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I think the weight is in the TUSK2 and the 50 cal. OR, it’s not and that will be truly dumb.

The TUSK kit adds an additional 3 tons.

Genius IQ

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Right? Because the Army is going to spend millions of dollars, rip apart its vehicles, and add more weight, just to make the armor the same or worse…


this is what he really said “Not enough information. From this information we can’t even tell if the protection should be higher or lower. “third-generation depleted uranium armor components” says nothing about protection values.” so basically the same.
Which mod you ask? Mr T. of course.


Yeah, I was paraphrasing, but that is pretty much what he said.

If you say the holy one’s real name a bolt of lightning will come down from the clear sky and smite you on the spot.

The Leopard 2A7V thread pinged Smin and within an hour their underperforming armor bug report got forwarded by him personally.

Maybe if we can ping Smin he can give us some insight or a status update on the hull armor.


Well glad I didn’t then XD

No need to even mention him at all. I wasn’t aware of the entire situation going on regarding him, so when I brought up the original bug report getting “not a bug” status on friday I immediately got nuked for the weekend.


He was pinged already on this thread and nothing really happened ;( Idk if someone has power actually to make it happen when Devs themselves won’t change Abrams LFP protection values.

Reminder that this is talking about installing an additional, non-integrated spall liner into the interior crew compartment of the M1 series and other similar vehicles, the interior of the M1 and pretty much every modern US armor retains a backing plate and interior Kevlar liner on all armor whose sole purpose is to capture spall.


ah, was wondering about that bit

It’s pretty much standard across a grand majority of NATO or just western vehicles in general, there is little to no reason to have non-integrated coatings or attached Kevlar inside the crew compartment anymore due to advancements in armor array design.

The few western vehicles with visible non-integrated liners are nowadays APCs and IFVs which have additional liners installed inside the passenger bay to protect against things like IED or mine fragments.


Ah yes, thank you for reminding me about getting steam rolled

I usually dont comment on things like this but it does seem Gajin does have some sort of bias against the NATO Nations. The USA top tier is very old tech when for example USSR is getting a very meta prototype just seems there is a lack in balance another example is air the f15 looks trash on the dev server and I will say it is dev server I can understand things will change but for it to come in as a weak fighter seems a bit odd I mean you cant turn going over mach with out wing rip hopefully this is all handled.


Yeah. Whats up with them nuking people on weekends? Two weeks in a row, been muted conveniently until the fires burn down. They really like to silence the headstrong when any movement happens



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