But yea I originally thought that the graph you shared proved the M1A2s didn’t get improved armour as the weight difference from the M1A2 to SEPs wasn’t that different, and then remembered they had the weight reduction program:
Which is interesting because from a new datamine the titanium was actually implemented for the turret top and commander viewport:
U - Heavy armor package
interesting is that there are M1A2SEPv2 and M1A1SA that have U or M letter, it’s possible that the ones with M use newer armour technology that may have something to do with SEPv3
Ah yep, thought that was the case, although the M serial number identifier is definitely odd, as from the photo above you can see the SEPv3s turret cheeks have become longer from more armour being added.
Yea they are getting too heavy, which is one of the reasons they cancelled the SEPv4 program and are now moving onto the M1E3 (with the E meaning engineering) i.e. the US will at some point finally get an M1A3.
yes, M1A2SEPv3 received thicker special armor modules and has NGAP/NEA armor and the letter M. SEPv2 does not have such thick modules and I think that those with the letter M have something better than the well-known HAP-3 but it does not necessarily have to be NGAP /NEA it’s possible that there is something in between that there is little information about.
It must be pretty annoying knowing that the best round your country has in service (yes, even the 3BM59) would have to hunt for weakspots on a tank upgraded 10+ years before your round was invented. (When they can’t have their round from 20 years ago because it would invalidate your current armor scheme…)
So. What if the eventual dev blog on the Abrams hull goes “We think it might have gotten it, but we aren’t going to put it in game because DU insert is OP”
That’s why I’m just playing my occasional game or two once a week to maintain forum posting rights, but I’m not giving a crap about the game until that’s decided.
I guess we could point to the massive area around the breach block and turret ring, and tell them “shoot the weakspot” - just like the Russian mains do to us.
An interesting doc:
Accounting for the titanium weight reductions on the SEP (~0.75 tons)
SEPv1 added 0.95 tons on top of M1A2
SEPv2 added 0.7 tons on top of SEPv1
Mod 1 added 0.7 tons
Mod 2&3 added 1.1 tons
For M1A1
M1A1DU added 2.6 tons to M1A1 (initial DU additions)
M1A1 SA added 0.9 tons to M1A1DU
So the 3rd gen DU and turret side armor on the SEPv1 could be represented in the ~1 ton increase over the M1A2 (offset by the substitutions of titanium components).
And the heavy hull armor on the SEPv2 and M1A1SA adds a further ~0.7 tons or less (SA getting some extra goodies to bring total increase to 0.9 tons).
We just need to have some GDLS dude print up a Brochure with the same font and style as the RMoD and declare the turret and hull armor to be proof against 1500mm KE.
Sale propaganda doesn’t have to be true for WT. We’ve seen that in current unmentionable events. Just has to be written down by an “authority” on the subject.
(While they’re at it, they can declare ARAT 2 to be worth 200mm KE at its best, so it can get 200KE from every direction.)