No it isnt, the ukranian m1a1 are better than in the ingame ones. Theyre all m1a1 SA.
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What ERA is worse than ~180mm?
so sexy, this is really well made
That is photoshop (gimme a sec to find the original)
Itβs very angle dependant, not the most scientific thing but from trying to get a 90 degree hit with HEAT on the ERA blocks it adds roughly half of the statcard protection to the regular UFP underneath on both Blazer and Kontakt-1 (~120mm for blazer and ~200mm for kontakt-1)
Russian event vehicle π
I thought it was, but I though: why not? Except for the weight it would actually look really cool.
Ah, so tied with Kontakt 1.
Did you read what I wrote? Blazer gives ~120mm @ 90Β° whilst Kontakt-1 gives ~200mm @ 90Β°.
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