M1128 Stryker Reload Rate is Incorrect Please fix

So I Did Some Digging and Found the Actual Autoloaders Manufacturer Specs for the MGS’s Autoloader and learned that the reload rate is INCREDIBLY WRONG it is off by 1.5 seconds (8 rounds per minute) in the Manufacturers Spec report it EXPLICITLY SAYS 10 rounds per minute (reload rate of 6 seconds NOT 7.5)

Gaijin Please Fix this the Reload has gotten me killed more times that i can count on my hands and feet combined

Here is a link to the Meggitt Defense PDF of the Autoloader: Meggitt Letter



I really do hope this gets fixed so it at least shows that gaijin care about adding proper specs to vehicles and making the vehicles themselves historically and specification accurate

You need to report it on bugtracker website


It is the replenisher, the thing that moves ammo from the rear storage to the main one.
I guess you can report the fact first stage should be replenished in 6s.

No sense


Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System


that doesnt make any sense considering i pulled this from the manufacturers actual website

it has been seen on official US documents to say 8/min, plus it is completely gaijin’s call as it is also a balancing decision.

This has been known for a long time, and reported long ago. To quote Gaijin themselves ‘reload rate is a balancing factor’. Even though autoloaders are entirely mechanical in nature and should be treated as such. Oh well. Enjoy the years of no buffs because historical accuracy is secondary to the Snail’s enigmatic will.

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yeah but when it comes from the manufacturer its a little different they should have to abide by the manufacturers reports

make a bug report and it might get fixed in 8 years!

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Well, I would have taken US army as a better source.

Here’s an Army source that states 10 RPM.

Here’s some more primary sources that state 10 RPM.

Interesting how US autoloaders always seem to greatly underperform compared to other countries, for example, the HSTV-L up until recently, the M1128, the T54E1 which should have 33 RPM, but only has a meager 12 RPM unlike the French oscillating turret tanks with the best possible reload they had…