
Would you like to see the M109A7 in-game?
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Welcome to the suggestion for the M109A7! This is the latest M109 variant in service with the U.S. Army, and uses a new engine, transmission, and also features an applique, mission tailorable armor package. Combined with the M795 high explosive round, and perhaps a better reload, the M109A7 would be a solid addition to the United States’ ground tree.


An M109A7 being tested at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, circa early 2010s.

Formerly known as the M109 PIM (Paladin Integrated Management), the prototypes of the next M109 variant saw government testing in the early 2010s. These included rocket assisted munition tests as well as mission and ballistic armor testing. It began Low-Rate Initial Production in October 2013, with BAE received a $668 million contract for LRIP. The FY2014 budget calling for $340.8 million in funding for the M109A7, with a Full-Rate Production decision planned for February of 2017. Deliveries began in April of 2015, and since then, has seen service in increasing numbers.

A key element of the M109A7 upgrade is that it shares common chassis elements with the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. It uses the RENK HMPT-800 transmission, as well as a new 675 hp engine, meaning that despite being 4.5 tons heavier than the M109A6, it can reach a higher speed of 61 km/h. This, combined with applique armor, provides greater survivability and mobility for M109A7 batteries.

An M109A7 of 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Infantry Division conducts a live fire exercise in Toruń, Poland, August 26th, 2021.


Mass: 38.1 t
Length: 9.7 m
Width: 3.9 m
Height: 3.3 m
Crew: 4
Main armament: 155 mm M284A2
Main armament ammunition: 39 rounds
Secondary armament: 12.7 mm M2HB
Engine: 675 hp Cummins VT903 diesel engine
Transmission: Renk HMPT-800
Maximum speed: 61 km/h
Maximum range: 300 km



Yes please.

1 Like

Does this offer any horizontal or vertical traverse rate improvements compared to the ones seen in game? Also you say it could feature a better reload, why would that be?
Finally, does in have any thermal vision capabilities or have a LRF?
If it does have any of these, I feel like these things should hav been included in your post…
But if not, then that surprises me given the time period they are present in…

Please tell me it has stabilizer and Gen 2 thermal

Horizontal improvements are likely due to the new electric drives, not sure about vertical. Better reload would be purely be a balancing factor, as many other tanks have in-game. No thermal vision or LRF that I am aware of either.


Thank you! The electric drive is important information in my book, as it will definitely help with getting the first shot off in scenarios it’s needed the most. Lack or direct fire capabilities with LRF and Thermals being absent is quite sad, but I guess it allows for a lower BR so it’s not to detrimental to its capabilities in war thunder.

+1 from me


There are other howitzers for the US tree that can be at a higher BR, namely the XM2001 Crusader and that new XM1299 or whatever

+1 for M109A7 as tech tree tank as the most capable of the US M109s

Also the M109A7, along with the A6, have spall liners in the turret and presumably in the hull as well


A6 and A7 variants do have LRFs and thermals, as well as the ability to use the US’s new 155mm air defense round.