M10 booker……

You’re not shutting me down. You’re afraid I’m right and this could potentially be a well armored vehicle to battle whatever nation you play. This is only a discussion on “what if” because we don’t know. All your fake news replies show your desperation to keep the m10 booker down as a light-easy to kill vehicle.

I’ve already stated that it could potentially be a lightly armored vehicle. But in my opinion I don’t see how that could be true. MY OPINION.



(The last website/source belongs to the Bundesheer, i.e the Austrian Armed Forces).

Ulan uses the same chassis as M10 (well, for the most part, it’s ASCOD 1 vs ASCOD 2, but the protection between the two remains identical), it is only protected in its base configuration against 14.5 HMG AP from 500 meters. As I’ve said already, the uparmoured the vehicle to a degree, but you shouldn’t be expecting it to have good armour.

In which war is the PUMA under performing in?



All of those.

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Yes, unfortunately YouTube can contribute to some misinformation. When it comes to USA military classified info- it’s an even more unreliable source.

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Again, we got another guy making assumptions.

For example:

If i bought a Toyota Camry from the dealership and then I immediately took it to my house and added/welded “armor panels” to the outside of it, how would you know if I added enough armor to protect it against a 9mm round or .50 BMG round based off that statement? Dumb example but I’m tired of explaining this. You wouldnt know unless I told you exactly how much armor I added. You’re just making an assumption. We don’t know how many panels were added or thickness of the additional panels. The weight is estimated- We don’t even know the exact weight.

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Afraid. I’ve been honest this entire time. This is amusing. I’m getting entertainment out of this. Cause all I hear is nothing-burgers.


“This additional armor was also ordered by the Federal Army. This provides protection against 30 mm arrow projectiles at distances of 1,000 m or more in an angular range of +/-15° to the vehicle axis. The rest of the hull provides protection against 14.5 mm bullets from a distance of 500 m and against shrapnel.”

Don’t shit yourself.

The weight is estimated- We don’t even know the exact weight.

“But the Booker is much lighter than the newest versions of the Abrams tanks, which have 120mm main guns. The Army’s M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams tank weighs nearly 74 tons and the M10 will weigh about 42 tons, the service said. The M10 also will be significantly less expensive. The latest Abrams costs about $24 million per tank, but the Bookers are expected to cost about $12.9 million per vehicle, which includes spare parts and the costs to field and train for the new weapons, Dean said.”

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The armchair experts know and they also know how the M10 will perform against the latest Russian armour in direct confrontation like they do with the M1 even though its never met any in history.

I guess this is why US at top tier performs as badly as it does. Welp, had fun, @SinisterIsRandom wanna take over again? :P

Nah I’m good better to stay out of echo chambers than be in the minds of echo chambers. After all, there’s nothing but cobwebs and liminal spaces full of folly

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You’re describing stanag level 6 protection requirements! Yes that’s the passing requirements, it’s also the minimum.

Direct quote for stanag level 6

“Level 6 protects against 30 mm APFSDS at 500m” idk where you got 1,000 m as this is not passing level 6 requirements. Which the M10 has stanag level 6 minimum protection.

I swear I’m arguing with children.

Weigh ABOUT 42 tons- this is still an estimated guess which I’ve stated the entire time it weighs 42 tons knowing it was a best guess for public info, until it’s stated as correct it is still technically an assumption.


What are you on about
Your saying that a Mbt should be made a light tank in game cause you say the armour sucks
Very bad argument

Its true…it acts as an oversized light tank…no better than cv90120 and actuallyworse because its much larger… Do you play all USA at top tier?

I play a tank that has similar protection but slower and heavier with a worse dart and can be ammo racked asit has no blowout panels on
Challenger 2

I have used the M1A1 AIM and Click bait i know these aren’t the 11.7 ones but they are not far off

I also play tt british and agree chally 2’s are a chore. Thev2e is fun though and my winrate in the 3 is over 70% I like it a lot…not to mention valk is prob my fav heli.

The Abrams prob is: lfp is easily penned, ufp is easily penned, neck is guaranteed kill or long disable, roof is almost guaranteed overpressure kill with he, side turret and side shot almost guaranteed kill if people know anything about aiming, and there’s an issue with cheeks as I have been getting penned when taking shots right to the center. Penetrating shots also create huge amounts of spall that create more as they strike objects inside…killing multiple crew. Shots directly to the rear are also almost guaranteed kill.

Multiple streamers wont even play USA now due to Abrams performance. I dont typically care much about win/loss as I’m doing it for fun, but USA tanks tt are bad and frustrating.

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The puma is 43 tons, a few bradley variants get up to 35 tons, the KF41 is 44 tons, the vilkas is 33 tons. So what are you getting at here? Light tank is a “Role” the vehicle plays, not that it is literally light. Not only that, but all ifv’s in war thunder share the light tank symbol, just like all mbt’s share the medium tank symbol.

The booker is so much more like the stryker, i just dont see why people, including you are comparing it to the abrams so much, if anything compare it to the ags, and say something like we already essentially have the booker in game.