Welp it just an example i gave. As i said M1 Abrams could get M833 as it won’t change what it can/can’t pen with M774 (M774 which is overperform and already has its bug report accept) M833 will sit nicely with M1 Abrams when M774 got fix.
So it ain’t just me to notice that Gaijin keep removing hulldown spot on new and rework map.
Example being North Holland . Which i keep getting version with half of the map block out (lmao)
Or that Sands of Sinai which block out entire high ground hill on the East side.
You’re still playing a CQC map that looks like a rat’s maze.
I don’t really care what they do IRL, I’m just stating their cons in the game.
You can repair tracks while still being able to turn your hull. Moving will instantly cancel out the repair.
Rotating the hull simply isn’t possible in certain scenarios, like being in tight spaces.
Also, by rotating the hull you might expose your side armor which is a no go, especially for armor-heavy vehicles.
Vertical guidance speed is also a problem when traversing uneven terrain. Not being able to get my gun on target killed me plenty of times.
Everyone has to expose themselves when peeking. But M1 has great mobility and reverse speed paired with great gun depression, so the time it is exposed is minimal.
Every map has chokepoints which can be controlled by vehicles with extremely high pen values, shutting down any advances in that area.
Can it penetrate T-90A from any angle ?
I’ve used both M774 and DM23 and they are pretty much the same. You’ll still aim at same spots regardless.
That’s the point of cons, you have to work to go around them. Vehicle without a single con isn’t really balanced properly.
AFAIK basic M1 always had 5s reload speed.
Click-Bait got better ammo but not the basic M1, that’s interesting.
What if M1 isn’t struggling at all ?
Global average should be around 1 K/D.
All higher tier vehicles/premiums are popular among newer players, no wonder Gaijin is cashing out on that fact.
Expert crew reloads at 5.3s and is pretty common for people to have those for their vehicles.
Who said my first shot wouldn’t kill ?
You can have the side of two enemies at the time, you kill one and the other one has set amount of time to get his awareness to know from which angle to hide or where to point his gun to.
In case of 80B vs M1, that enemy has ~2s more time to react and hide/engage, which is quite a lot of time for higher tiers.
Plenty of armored vehicles at 10.3 / 10.7 already lost some of their efficiency with Gaijin adding more and more high powered rounds at that BR range.
Never said that.
T-90A is a perfect example of a vehicle that’s being held up by it’s strong round as a way to balance out other factors.
In order to disable most tanks at that BR you just need to aim around/under the gun, it’s literally a cheat sheet for average players.
I’m sure that maps like Sinai, Hurtgen, Eastern Europe, Frozen Pass all have lots of routes and aren’t just you moving between lanes or needing to cross nearly flat terrain with no cover.
So accidently tapping a key even a frame early resets the entire operation, it’s far more reliable if you actually start the repair manually, which takes time to halt.
Pretty sure there is an option for this in the options menu somewhere, where it stops shifting the point of aim during suspension movement, you should try toggling it, it may help.
If you are doing things properly the destruction / mission kill of the threat in question with the first shot provides the downtime you need to return to cover.
You can solve this by simply using different spots that aren’t quite as steep, and so are actually take the limited gun depression into account. It’s not useful cover if you have to advance over the berm in question exposing the LFP for any tank.
Another option is to utilize the Dozer blade functionality to dig in a little more if you have the time to spend preparing and one available, which should improve the slope in question.
They don’t need to have extreme values, only those high enough for the amour of the threat, and with the way 3BM42 / DM33 completely disregards the M1’s armor, its much more prevalent.
Will it do useful damage in all penetrable spots from the given range?
Not really, they’re in the same ballpark yes but M833 is closer but still worse, especially if we ignore caliber and barrel length differences between the relevant guns, and it’s impact on post pentation spalling;
For completeness I’m including M833 & M900 as well.
The con of the M1 would still be its practically useless armor layout, since it isn’t able to do much about most threats that can be expected to face even from CE standpoint, let alone KE threats.
Might be another one of the M68 equipt tanks I’m thinking of then, might be the M1128 or the M<60-2000 changing from the dev server.
Unless your monitoring system is effectively airtight or the changes that are made will not impact one another, making simultaneous changes tends to be a bad idea, especially if going balance hunting, and the use of a reactive system / Feedback loop.
By all available metrics its pretty obvious that it is, the only question is if it is enough to qualify for additional assistance or not, or if it remains within the range Gaijin deems acceptable.
It’s lower around 0.75~0.95, due to non attributable deaths (e.g. Teamkills & Out of bounds timeout, drowning, sympathetic detonation, Crash, “J” out, etc.) accumulate over time that are not counted towards a kill for another player, but do show up as part of the death count, this will only grow over time.
If you did why would reload rate matter? They can’t shoot back if they are dead, so sequential reloads don’t matter.
In that case, it’s a risky situation to be in, reposition before opening fire or begin backing into cover to minimize exposure, or wait until one cannot return fire before taking the shot at the one that remains. You don’t have to shoot at the first thing you see the second you are able to.
In a 2 vs 1 you can’t expect any one thing to carry the day, even if you flank you still need to put effort in, especially if you are aware of potential issues.
It’s not though, 11.0 can only face at most 4x 12.0s at a time so it effectively has a protected BR in comparison to 11.3, so its better off than most of it’s neighbors (in a BR sense)
And I always seem to get that wrong more often than not, especially at range where the lack of digital zoom hampers precision I find that if more than 5 degrees to the hull are offered the Lead Sprocket is much more reliable against most tanks.
Then again having a ping that normally ranges between 200~350 makes things worse than they could be.
Ah another duplicate thread when there is already multiple iterations of this exact thread already up on the forum which have already covered the exact same points. I do love me some unnecessary spam.
Sinai not quite as much, but others you mentioned do have lots of cover and have capture points inside rat’s maze. Luckily 10.7s can’t ever see Frozen Pass.
Depends on the situation really, if you’re sure it’s safe then manual repair is okay, but if you have enemies around I think it’s better to lose 10-15s on a cancelled repair than it is to die.
I’ll still need to do rapid up/down movements.
That’s why gun depression is useful. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to work around it with finding other spots and stuff, which takes experience.
Extreme relative to the armor they’re facing.
Sure thing.
~40mm of pen isn’t really that much. It’s even lower if you consider 60 degree values.
Single con while being top of the class in everything else, that’s not happening.
Basic M1 existed years before Click-Bait happened, but it never received a better round or BR change.
What are those metrics and where did you get them ?
Surviving a battle with a tank and killing enemies with it will increase that back up.
Someone else might show up ?
Backing out and repositioning vs getting a free kill is a big difference.
T-90A doesn’t need 12.0 to struggle. M1A1 at 0.3 BR higher blows it out of the water.
That all also happen to have power positions that look down onto the capture point(s) in question, often at 90 degrees which can enable someone posted there to look down fire lanes and get sideshots on incoming players freely making approaching said point difficult.
It’s not always possible to do so in time, and with the raised engine deck the geometry is harder to achieve so may preclude returning fire anyway.
To do what, exactly shoot at aircraft?
It’s not really that hard to recognize when you will have to show your LFP to get angles on a target, and it still impacts the M1, to a lesser degree. even 10 degrees isn’t enough to make use of every possible position, and is pretty standard across most nations but then things like the HSTV-L has 17 degrees.
Also I don’t remember if the -5 degree limit takes the slight negative camber of the turret ring that most T series members have, into account.
I’d agree it’s not that much but it’s enough to overmatch the armor of common threats more reliably, and in your opinion would be worth an immediate increase to the BR so the improved performance however slight is clearly not insignificant.
The Leo 2A4 has better optics (3-10x vs 4-12x), and would retain superior amour layout, ammo & after armor effects, and is very competitive in terms of maneuverability (difference of 0.1 HP/t, 27.2 vs 27.3. and 6kph forward and 7kph reverse, so pulls ahead by approximately one hull length for every 4 seconds spent at top speed ), and has the same gun handling as the 2A4 at 60 degrees per second.
The 2A4 can optionally take a Dozer where the M1 can’t (an option; the Combat Dozer Blade does exist but it isn’t implemented) So in many aspects the M1 is not Best In Class, or at least not by a significant amount outside the reload rate (and in an uptier the type 90 has a 4 second autoloader so it’s not guaranteed to always get a second shot off first against all opponents).
In effect decompression has impacted what vehicles it will face so it has most definitely been fine tuned even if it hadn’t moved. Which impacts balance.
Depends on the specific claims I’m making, doesn’t it. Since not all data strongly supports all possible claims that I could make.
But it’s fairly rudimentary (First year university / Late high school level) Statistical Analysis (e.g. Variance & Standard deviation, relative performance, T-Tests, etc.) of my personal performance in the M1 vs other vehicles.
Sure if I could be bothered, or had granular access to various datasets (e.g. Controlnet or thunderskill) I could perform stronger tests, but would it actually change your, or any else’s position on various issues? I don’t think it would so there is little point to expending the additional effort, since being right on the internet isn’t actually worth all that much or would somehow influence Gaijin to adjust things, since we don’t know what their bounds are for making adjustments, or what actually goes into their efficiency metric (outside it being directly based on SL/h) so isn’t even what they are looking for anyway.
Too many people think that just because said datasets are not anything close to a census of all players they are somehow useless, when you don’t actually need that many to observe trends with some accuracy, though the lack of complete randomness in the sampling does obviously limit the specific claims that could be made / supported by the data.
And that’s a risk you have to take regardless.
Is it really free if you put the effort into finding, and reaching a suitable shooting position undetected?
Yes, plenty of maps have flanks that if not guarded can win a game on their own. M1 can also guard/push those routes with it’s great mobility and farm some easy side shot kills with great reload rate.
Frozen Pass and Finland aren’t the same. On Finland you can rush that “passage” between A and B and farm hordes of lemmings side-on approaching both caps.
It won’t always save you, but it’s pretty good to know since it will give you much more chances to fight back.
This is a pretty nice spot to get couple of free kills on unaware people early on. The problem here is that you can get flanked from people on A, and getting your barrel rotated and elevated is pain in 80B when compared to M1.
Showing more than necessary is always sub-optimal, especially in vehicles with sub-par reverse speeds. You can get tracked without showing LFP, and without enough gun depression you’re done for.
That’s true, but knowing which spot you can effectively use takes skill.
Also, working with less available spots in total means you’ll have less options to engage targets, which can be worked around with skill somewhat.
I’ve used both and M1 has way better gun depression, regardless if it’s true or not.
Their optics are pretty similar so I can’t decide which one is objectively better. Something like Ariete with 8-12x scope lacks quite a bit though.
2A4 doesn’t have better armor layout than M1. It also lacks two external fuel tanks in the front so nothing’s there to soak up shots. It also has fairly small ammo stowage in the turret, so if you want to carry multiple ammo options you might end up with some ammo in the hull.
That round wasn’t changed because of M1’s stats.
It remained in the same relative position to it’s contemporaries.
It’s really hard to draw any conclusions from your stats as you mainly play US and haven’t really touched any relatively close contemporary of M1. Also, looking at data from a single player only might give you weird results, so that’s why Gaijin is working with averages of hundreds of players.
In my opinion data on TS is gathered from individuals that are above average, so whatever numbers we see there are probably higher than what Gaijin sees in their complete data. But at least this is true with every vehicle on there.
Indeed, but going from 7.1s reload to 5/5.3s will give you better chances of getting something else done.
By free kill I’m mostly thinking about kills on completely unaware enemies that you had an easy side shot on with ample time to aim. As your reload speed improves, your enemy will have less time to react and get aware, if you know what I mean.