Luftwaffe MiG-23ML

Germany should get the same premium pack as the Russian MiG-23ML because East Germany actually operates them as while ($70) #340



Germany already has the Mig-21Bis.

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Yeah ik, but it suckz

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Man, i remember grinding to the MiG-29 with the MiG-23ML. It didn’t take me that long with it

Germany arleady has premium 21bis and tornado

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I just want Italy to get a better premium

Too late at this point, but I agree. The Soviets getting the only other version of the MiG-23 that Germany operated is silly, especially when there are so many MiG-23 variants (MiG-23P comes to mind) that they themselves operated. Instead Germany gets a MiG-21, which is one of the worst top premiums, only rivalled by the similar J-7, the F-104 TAF, and the of course the Tornado.

The German MiG-21 is not worth it btw, maybe for a bit

Tornado is useless at its BR. You’re too slow to get bases before others do and thats it. But the Mig-21 should do the job.

PS: Air RB RP gain is quite efficient. You don’t really need prem planes to unlock TT. You progress quickly with TT planes as well. Just for Naval I’d suggest a prem unit, cause progression is slooow.

You already have MiG-23ML in tech tree that incorectly called MiG-23MLA. Germany had only MiG-23ML(A).

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Game seems to be passed this point, there’s no point for Gaijin to add more rank 7 premium aircraft.