Low 99% FPS

In the last few weeks I have been playing and every few matches I get very low 99% FPS. Like 15-20 FPS. Normally my 99% is 60 FPS. I lowered my graphics settings and I am reinstalling the game right now. Does anybody have any experience with this? It only stared last week.


Update: I reinstalled it and its still there. 1st and 2nd game are ok then the 3rd and on is bad.

Another update for those watching: I reinstalled my graphics drivers and I think its fixed!

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Hey, i’m having the same problem, mostly in war thunder, i have this problem it other games but no where close as war thunder, where i hit 20-40 fps 99% while the normal fps are running at 150ish, for some reason it happens mostly in ground RB as for air RB it runs kinda ok at 80fps ( 99%), I already reinstalled the OS, and tomorrow i will use DDU to reinstall the drivers to see if it works, the specs are: RTX 4060, Ryzen 7 5800X and 16GB ram 3200mhz, also i have the b450m prime a wich i suspect it could be faulty bios or just a faulty motherboard since i have been having a lot of problems with my pc lately

Ya, there is a big post for stutters. Has not been acknowledged by the devs/moderators of the forum. Hopefully they focus on fixing their game from bugs and cheaters, I know new content makes money but at least polish the game please.

I was able to fix it by reinstalling windows. Maybe it could work for you too?

yeah i tired that too, didn’t work at all, i found a fix, I disabled screen optimization in the windows settings, and the fps went from 20-40 up to 130, now i’m having some trouble again, but at least now i can play at 50fps so the screen optimization was causing a few fps drops for sure, but thanks anyways for ur comment :)