LOSAT BR + missiles not right

LOSAT should really go down to 9.0 in ab if not lower. Most of warthunders engagement ranges at <1km which is too close for its missile to hit max velocity/pen. so you realistically have a 400-500mm pen missile on a platform with no armor and depression making it worse than the m1128 at 9.3

The missile is also not behaving properly. If you look at actual test videos from the 90s eg

etc (lots of videos on youtube)

You see the missile exits the barrel and flies straight. ingame it swirls around after launch making it impossible to aim at anything <500m because it will fly into the ground or other obstacles


Going to let you in on a little secret.

Gaijin don’t care about the LOSAT BR or its effectiveness and it could arguably go much lower and would still be bad to unusable on most maps in this game


LOSAT playa here. Here lemme give you some tips:

  • Medium or long range maps or don’t spawn.

  • Before shooting, press c (free look mode) and look at your roof mg. If it is parallel to the roof, then the rocket will go straight.

  • Good internets are required and aim to the ground of the target so the boolets will go to enemy instead of flying over it.

Bonus: Its a spawn camping vehicle. You are only good when they are not aware of you. Night battles and attacking a diagonal line (like spawn left spawn and attack right spawn) are good ideas.


what if i told you that… even with video evidence of U.S Tech being fired by the actually U.S Military… wouldnt matter to this company of people who have a hatred for anything U.S. what proof of this look at the tow 2B IRL video vs what the piss poor excuse gaijin has made.

oh yah the penetration of the losat is actually 1400mm+ IRL

I’m necroing this post. After the recent update (Seek and Destroy), Gaijin went and ruined many missiles by giving then unnecessary motor smoke including LOSAT (they fart white smoke after launch and completely shit on your vision). If you have seen this → [Development] Tokushu Heiki: LOSAT - News - War Thunder link and wanted to get it for ~30 GJN, just don’t. There are bug reports written 10 months ago but guess which company cares about customer’s wellbeing (There are 600 LOSAT’s in marketplace btw).

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why tf did they do this to it its fucking so much harder to use now