There are 10 different versions of the AC-130, so they can be placed in BR 8.0 to 10.3/10.7
The “lowest”, the AC-130A “Project Gunship II” has only 4 M61 Vulcan and 4 “minigun” MXU-470 MG - so it is not usable against tanks.
In the middle we have the AC-130H “Spectre” with a better engine, 2* M61A1 “Vulcan”, 1* Bofors 40mm L/60 and 1* M102 howitzer.
The latest version will be the AC-130J “Ghostrider” with 1* ATK Mk.44 “Bushmaster II”, the M102 howitzer and 10* AGM-176 Griffin, 8* AGM-114 Hellfire, 10* GBU-44/B “Viper Strike” and 4* GBU-39 or GBU-53.
An AC-130 would be useless against aircraft, so I think it would be a combination of the gameplay of drones and WW2 bombers.
The AC-130 could use the reconnaissance drone function and automatically make wide circles over the battlefield while the player uses the on-board weapons.
The first Version(s) absolutly - but the later versions with guns like the 40mm or the 102mm could be nice.
For example, the Spectre should have a relatively high effective range with its 40mm and especially its 102mm.
It would be reasonably protected from regular AAM and, thanks to its own range, reasonably protected from AA guns.
Really dangerous for the AC-130 series would be probably every airplane and also some helicopters.
It is really a fun looking idea, but i cant really imagine using the guns with what sights we have now. I guess they would need to add a compleatly new sight just for the ac-130. Also, you would need some protection against planes like some sort of escort.
Recently, in a tank battle, a Ka-52 hovered over our respawn at an altitude of 3-4 km and destroyed us like ducklings and no one could do anything. Now imagine what will happen if the AC-130 flies over respawn and destroys all living things.
I love this idea but with all the other fighters like the a-10 warthog and the spaa it wouldn’t work without someone with you. Though if the added a gunner to the top/front it could work, but it’s all up to gaijain. Still I would love to see this in game
I was thinking about this thing recently, and if the devs actually implemented the countermeasures carried by the AC-130, it might actually be a decent vehicle with some cool survivability features. Here’s the ones of Interest I found:
Northrop Grumman AN/AAQ-24 Nemesis laser-based Directional Infrared Counter Measures (DIRCM) (mounted on the port and starboard rear fuselage) - Basically a small turret with a laser mounted on it. When a missile is detected, it shines a laser into the seeker head of incoming missiles, which in the case of IR tracking missiles basically blinds them, rendering the inneffective.
ITT Exelis AN/ALQ-172 – Digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jammer-based Electronic countermeasure (ECM) incorporating integrated Electronic Warfare (EW) self-protection function of detection, processing, warning, prioritization, jamming, and threat display- Now this one is interesting. For obvious resons we don’t know the specifics about how these electronic countermeasures work, but we do know one way they work is by tricking proximity fused munitions into exploding prematurly by emiting radio waves which trick the fuse to think it is close to an actual aircraft. An of course the system can disrupt tracking and search radars as well.
I think such a thing can be implemented in an ‘arcade’ like way. Basically you have a certain amount of electrical power available in game, and activating the jammer drains your energy meter, but the meter recharges slowly when not in use. Meaning it wouldn’t be too overpowered since you have to manually activate it, and you can’t just leave it on for the entire match
-And lets not forget the AN/ALR-69 RWR, AN/AAR-44 MAWS, and a buttload of flares and chaff as a last resort.
If the above countermeasure systems were implemented, it would actually be a pretty fun and useful vehicle.