Location Improvements for Advance to the Rhine, Sinai and Jungle!

I can tell its not a Kommandeuswagen or even the very early Beetle 1100 because its rear window is one piece of glass when both the Kommwagen and 1100 had two. The Hubcaps are also of the post ww2 flavouring

Comically low resolution sc

Obviously your eyesight is several orders of magnitude better than mine, ‘cos I cant’ see any of that - I can’t see any glass in that destroyed shell, or any detail of the hubcaps.

Its back would look more like this if it was a KommWagen

It looked more like the later version to me. Will have to wait and see on dev to confirm


Ok its a 1100, split window back and hasnt got the same hubcaps as the kommwagen

I’m surprised theres no Swatsikas either

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There are the hubcaps from the wiki page for the Komm wagon - they look pretty good for the ones in your sight pic…

There isn’t any swastikas in WT or enlisted at all because of the political meaning of the flag. Seems odd as communist symbolism is all ok but hey this game is non political right guys

Could just be lost from simplification to the model in fairness.