Localization Overhaul Project

The Localization Overhaul Project, or LOP for short, is a primarily English mod, with partial French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Turkish, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Romanian localization; that overhauls War Thunder’s localization to be more consistent, descriptive, and accurate. Currently, it modifies the following localization:

  • Player and non-player vehicles and structures
  • Weapons, ammunitions, and other assorted support loadouts (fuel tanks, target designators, etc.)
  • Modification names and descriptions
  • Country names
  • Statcard labels

In the future, I plan to also change the localization of:

  • Skins
  • Tooltips

Currently, I am working on:

  • Changing the names and descriptions of decals to be more detailed and more accurate.

However, this is a long process since it’s merely a hobby for me. I don’t make any profit from this endeavor and have a full-time job that takes up most of my time.

So how can you help?
My resources are limited. I welcome any critiques, especially if they’re backed up by sources, and knowledgeable folk that’ll be able to answer my questions in order to further the accuracy of the Project. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I do hope that you try out my mod! The download and details can be found below.

Current Version
1.3.06 (War Thunder Live)
Instructions to download are found in the description of the War Thunder Live post.



0_0 i see wiggly your still actively working on this stuff, was fun chatting with you long ago keep it up.

Translation of BT-5 (China), T-26 obr. 1935 (No. 531) (China), and T-26 obr. 1939 (China) seems off:
“BT-5 xíng 1933 qīngxíng tankè” (BT-5 型 1933 輕型坦克) should be something along the lines of “BT-5 1933 nián xíng qīngxíng tankè” (BT-5 1933 年型 輕型坦克)

In addition, in modern days ROC and PRC uses different terms for various things. I’ll list them in the format of:

  • English | 國語 (ROC) | 普通话 (PRC)
  • Tank | 戰車 | 坦克
  • Light Tank | 輕戰車 | 轻型坦克
  • Medium Tank | 中戰車 | 中型坦克
  • Heavy Tank | 重戰車 | 重型坦克
  • Tank Destroyer | 驅逐戰車 | 坦克歼击车
  • MBT | 主力戰車 | 主战坦克
  • APC | 裝甲運兵車 | 装甲输送车
  • Missile | 飛彈 | 导弹

they seem to use the same term for IFV (步兵戰車/步兵战车) and assault gun (突擊砲/突击炮).

Would it be possible to change it so that vehicles used by the NRA/ROCA use the former, while that used by the PLAGF use the latter? The vehicles affected by this would be:

  • Type 95 Ha-Go
  • Type 97 Chi-Ha
  • BT-5 obr. 1933
  • T-26 obr. 1935 (No. 531)
  • T-26 obr. 1939
  • M3A3
  • M3A3 (1st PTG)
  • M5A1
  • M24
  • M41A3
  • M41D
  • Type 64
  • M4A1(75)W
  • M4A4
  • M4A4 (1st PTG)
  • M48A1
  • M60A3 TTS
  • CM-11
  • SU-100

(Save for the SU-100, all vehicles on this list would be changed from using PRC terms to Taiwanese terms. I’m not sure if 坦克 or 戰車 was used while the ROC was in power in the mainland—possibly both—but I put them here for consistency.)

In addition, “zì háng gāoshèpào” should be “zì xíng gāoshèpào” (自行高射炮) for ZSD-63, PGZ-80, PGZ-04A, PGZ-09. Also, the AFT-09 seems to have been a designation for the missile, whereas WZ550 seems to have been the designation for the vehicle, but I’m not too sure. (Unfortunately I have not been able to acquire documents from the ROC or the PRC: I don’t know where or how to find them)

Thank you for the hard work you’ve put into the localization mod!

China and Israel are the two nations I haven’t been able to find any primary documents for, hence the lacking and incorrect information in some places. Though, most of the issues you’ve pointed out should now be fixed in 1.3.03. However, if you would like to provide any further information then that would be appreciated.

I still haven’t been able to figure out for a fact if PRoC vehicles should have a hyphen in their names or not, i.e. “ZTZ99” or “ZTZ-99,” as I commonly see both versions used sporadically with no one providing an actual source for it. I figure that the answer would be on the front of some Chinese technical manual, in a similar fashion to how American technical manuals usually always include the full name of what they’re referring to; but, I would have to track down a Chinese technical manual, first, which I haven’t been able to do.

I believe 戰車 should be formatted as “zhànchē”, similar to 坦克 bring formatted as “tankè”, as both are words composed of two characters combined, and by pinyin orthography should be combined.

In addition, there are various pinyin errors (the third tone is presented as letters with caron, but the “o” with caron in the display name of the Tor-M1 doesn’t render, so I suspect it doesn’t work—perhaps a breve instead of caron might). I hope I didn’t miss any:

  • tankè → tǎnkè
  • zhuāngjia → zhuāngjiǎ (in all armoured cars (zhuāngjiǎchē) and PLA vehicles (Zhuāngjiǎbīng))
  • Jūn / Lùjūn / Jiěfangjūn → Jǖn / Lùjǖn / Jiěfangjǖn (in pretty much every vehicle that isn’t a prototype—u and ü are distinct vowels)
  • pao → pào (in all assault guns and SPAAGs)
  • zhu zhan → zhǔ zhàn (in PLA MBTs)
  • zhulì → zhǔlì (in ROCA MBTs)
  • Wuhan gāo xīn kējì youxian gōngsī zhang → Wǔhàn gāodé hóngwài gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī (on QN506; Wuhan Guide Infrared Co. Ltd., which seems to be the company which made it, is called 武汉高德红外股份有限公司 in Chinese.)
  • shuilù → shǔilù
  • Yánjiū Suo → Yánjiūsuǒ (211 Amphibious Tank)
  • Chang → Chǎng (WMA301, 1221)
  • Bangōngshì → Bàngōngshì (1221)

Also, in Chinese, the Chi-Ha seems to be referred to as the Type 97 (九七式) (i.e. no “Chi-Ha”) (and the Chi-Ha Kai as the Type 97 Gai (九七式改)), and seems to be referred to as a medium tank (its display name indicates that it is a light tank).

Finally, I would like to ask about the “mit Porscheturm” and “mit Henschelturm” of Tiger II, as the results I found from searching those seem to be about tank models, and to my knowledge Krupp designed and produced both turrets.

I don’t have any documents, primary or secondary, nor do I know where or how to track down a Chinese technical manual (or pretty much any technical manual, for that matter), so I cannot be of help with regards to whether PRC vehicles have hyphenated names.
Once again, thank you for your hard work in maintaining the custom localisation.

Edit: There seem to be similar errors in aviation tree, e.g. “xíng 17” and “zhandòujī”. I’ll make the modifications to my copy of the csv and upload it here (the csv is the one with Finnish Hakaristi).
Edit: i missed a bunch of pinyin errors
Edit: What is “Haijūn Lù Zhan Lu” (in ZTS-63)?
Edit: “e”-caron is rendered, but the other caron-vowels aren’t rendering. “ü” with tonal marks aren’t rendering either.
Edit: file uploaded at https://files.catbox.moe/nafwl4.csv

There are a lot of accented letters that the game doesn’t like, which is why a lot of them are purposely missing. I keep track of them and have a list of them in the README.txt file that comes with the download, but here is a list of them:

  • ầ (Vietnamese)
  • ả (Vietnamese)
  • ể (Vietnamese)
  • ệ (Vietnamese)
  • ự (Vietnamese)
  • ộ (Vietnamese)
  • ớ (Vietnamese)
  • ĩ (Vietnamese)
  • ủ (Vietnamese)
  • ǎ (Chinese)
  • ǔ (Chinese)
  • ǚ (Chinese)
  • ǒ (Chinese)
  • ǐ (Chinese)
  • Ṭ/ṭ (Bengali)
  • ṅ (Bengali)
  • ŏ (Korean)
  • ŭ (Korean)
  • ʾ (Pakistani)
  • ʿ (Arabic)
  • ṣ (Arabic)
  • ṇ (Hindi)

If they wouldn’t otherwise break the names in the statcards, then I would include them. However, since they do, they’re excluded, and is why I can’t fix names like tǎnkè or zhǔlì, and this also applies to the Vietnamese, the French, the Bengalese, the Korean, the Pakistani, the Arabic, and the Indian names in-game.

However, I can institute the corrections to grammar.

Also, in Chinese, the Chi-Ha seems to be referred to as the Type 97 (九七式) (i.e. no “Chi-Ha”) (and the Chi-Ha Kai as the Type 97 Gai (九七式改)), and seems to be referred to as a medium tank (its display name indicates that it is a light tank).

I haven’t been able to find any documentation to support either side. Given that the Ha-Go is commonly referred to by that name in Chinese sites, I didn’t think the Chi-Ha would have different standards. I couldn’t ever verify to any extent if China designated them a light or medium tank, though, so I went with “light” since, by every standard, it was by that point; and countries like the US outright called them “light tanks.” I just assumed that China would call them that too, since they had Sherman and T-34 medium tanks.

Finally, I would like to ask about the “mit Porscheturm” and “mit Henschelturm” of Tiger II, as the results I found from searching those seem to be about tank models, and to my knowledge Krupp designed and produced both turrets.

There was no “official” name I could find. It was referred to both as preproduction and production turrets, and as Porsche and Henschel turrets, in wartime documentation and propaganda. So, I went with the latter since it’s more identifiable in-game and is hardly incorrect.


Would love to see an update to the mod! It’s great and fun to use but the lack of names for newer vehicles and weapons systems make it kinda weird to play, since sometimes you have actual names and then you’ve got “f_15c” or whatever and ruins the immersion, but either way, this is a great mod and you should update it.