Lift Ban for Username

Can a gamemaster please lift the ban on my account? It has been almost two weeks since my initial request. I was banned for an inappropriate name, which has since been changed. I have contacted nearly every game master via Forum PM, and my message is either overlooked or ignored. I understand that GMs have limited time, but is it not your Job as GM to answer every message you receive? I have seen GMs whom I have messaged post on the forum while my message was in their Inbox. Surely, if you have enough time to post a topic, you can answer your PMs.

Senior Game Masters:
(Contact tONLY if a GM cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)

Badpanzer Profile - Badpanzer - War Thunder — official forum - EN
Beestar Profile - Beestar - War Thunder — official forum - EN, CZ, SK
Schindibee Profile - Schindibee - War Thunder — official forum - EN, DE, FR, IT
WoIfman Profile - WoIfman - War Thunder — official forum - EN

Community Manager:
(Contact him only if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)

OrsonES Profile - OrsonES - War Thunder — official forum - EN, PL