Level of Detail Bugs

So like two months back I started having this issue where trees are really low quality and load really weirdly, and in general all level of detail things seem to be really bugged and only load at really close distances, this has never been an issue before and I have no idea why it suddenly happened and its been bugging me to the point where I stopped playing as much.

My settings are all nearly at the highest they can be, detailed foilage is on, range for trees and stuff are all maxed out.
So I don’t even have a clue about how to go about this, I don’t know if its an issue suddenly with WT itself or if its something with my PC?

Not able to edit the post for some reason, but for a bit of extra info I’ve tried reinstalling the game, I’ve tried looking at older drivers, and I’ve tried clearing cache, nothing has helped it so far, I have no idea if its the game’s fault or something on my pc.