Lets talk about the state of Germany

BeNeLux sub-tree. Last I checked both Belgium and the Neathland use Leos so they’ll get them.

BeNeLux should have been its own tree but Gaijin doesn’t do research(as seen by some of Gaijin’s claims). Leos are also one of the most exported MBTs in the world so nations that used them will get them

So i guess gaijin give German biggest FY in war thunder history then (even dutch have more military connections more than France)

I wouldn’t say that, there are nations being treated worse than this update. (and Gaijin is one of the 3 best nations in game fighting them is an auto loss. )

Beside Subtrees are picked based on WW2(else the UK wouldn’t have ZA, Italy Hungry as nether make sense bar WW2 for their host trees). And it’s always be BeNeLux together that what all the suggestion have been

The Benelux tree was mainly to appease the whiners here in the forums, there have been people begging for one as long as i can remember and tbh it really hasn’t lived up to the hype, all it does to benefit France since it gives them an F-16 with features missing from far more modern variants of the aircraft in other trees, I still am at a loss as to why the ROCAF block 20 MLU can’t receive any of it’s real life weaponry outside of the sparrows and some dumb bombs.

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That’s because Gaijin has done it dirty and only added only one of its many domestic things along with making it a sub-tree. It would have been better if it wasn’t like how Gaijin has done all sub-trees: “glorified band-aids” that exist to boost the host nation and not represent the sub-nations.


Most likely because they want an ‘early’ and a ‘late’ Block 20 MLU version of the ROCAF F-16 before adding the F-16V. This is because in the beginning when these aircraft were delivered the US did not add all the equipment to fire ARH-missiles as the PRoC didn’t have ARH-missiles either. Aim-9M was also not delivered at the start of the 1990s (although sources vary on this, early models of the F-16 in ROC service used aim-9p4). (Basically the same treatment the British Tornado F3 will get)

Or they just don’t want the ROCAF having the best planes when it’s a ‘sub’-nation and not the ‘host’-nation like Stormrijder suggested, although at the moment Hungary has the best plane in the Italian Tech Tree.

Or it’s something else entirely! Speculation is key.

I was talking about their comment on the BeNeLux. Tho it can be seen that ROC/Taiwan could be a sub-tree but, I think it’s more both are China.

That’s probably best for political reasons.

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Same with britain at the moment also gripen is still their best overall fighter.

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They both are german.
There is variius versions of KF41, some with Nera, some with 35mm, some with iron fist aps.
Germany shouldnt get the hungarian variant correct and that is ok.
But we should get one of the several others that exist.

Do we even have rhose in the game yet, i am not finding them

But other examples challenger 2 E (EXPORT) vickers mk7 , chinta vt4a1. All those are purely export variants that thise nations didnt use but still have in their tank line



Then yes they should be definitly be added to the US.
If the US community isnt fighting for them because they are low tier its pn them isnt it?

Some people do but believe it or not, people asking for low tier stuff gets drowned out by the screaming for top tier items.

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Although the 9M was on the F.3 during Operation Granby, which iirc pre-dates the radar we currently have fitted to it. (They ditched it in favour of the Li when they realised their funny Dechirping modification was basically frying the 9Ms)

The Late one is getting it next patch because ASRAAM would be far too powerful for it.

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I just wounder why every ingame nation so far got their F-16, Gripen, Su-27 etc… Via subtrees and other vague additions like brochure suggestions. For everyone Gajin found a way to somehow add something. Some minor nations even have now Mig-29, Gripen and F-16…all in one TT. Even China got a F-16 via Taiwan Express.

Just Germany is stuck with an cough Phantom.

Why is there no F-16 for German TT? And whats the point to even add another Phantom into the current War Thunder meta? Its so DOA like never anything has been. Completly pointless addition which should have happened like 6 months ago, now its too late.

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Yes, because if we take a look at the operators, none of them are currently in game anywhere. I don’t see an Omani, or a Pakistani, SUB tree. The Vickers Mk. 7 was a prototype- no one bought it.

In game, the only relevant examples are the Low tier US planes and the KF41. No other export tank has a dedicated tree or sub tree to go to- hence why they go to the nations that built them, since it is the next best thing. But because Hungary is in game, it goes there, since they actually operate the vehicle. Overall, it makes sense.

And again; why are you arguing for the Lynx and not a Puma with Spikes? Other than “for completions sake” (because quite frankly you all do not need the Lynx one the Puma gets spikes, as your tech tree will already be complete at that point).

You will see I corrected myself. They both are Hungarian. The German army does not use them.

We do, and what’s more- every time I suggest also adding them to the US tree, I get shut down saying “but you never used them they were export only”. And conveniently, it is mainly German players telling me this.

Here’s proof.

This is mental gymnastics at their best. They are German developed, but in Hungarian service (only KF41). They are still German at the end of the day regardless of who ends up operating them… better yet, ever seen KF31 be operated by anybody else but Germany?

And again; why are you arguing for the Lynx and not a Puma with Spikes?

Why do you ask for things to be added, then?

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Same stands for many KF41 variants only 1 specific 1 is for hungaria.
All others would go to Germany.

Because we want and can do. It is our right since it is one of our vehicles sinple as that

Wrong again. Hungary doesnt even use KF31.
They are plenty of Kf41 prototypes or declined proposed versions for australia (which differs from hungarian one plenty that decided to go for the redback instead.
Under all rules those would go to germany.
Just not the specific hungarian one.
All the other named kf41 variants were developed and produced by germany not hungary and arent in hungarian service either.

You trying to proof that but censor the name.
So you how do you know or wanna prove its a german main?
And yes i think the low tier planes definitly should go to US as well. Its just that not many US people fight for them because its low tier and not that intresting compared to high tier vehicles.
Those nobody knows about that issue.
Look at the french nearly everyone is aware of the DF105 issue and the Sk 105 because continue to fight for it and make themself notable as well


Because the thread it is in, the title is “the unending amount of missing German aircraft”. I don’t need to full blast the individual on a different thread, however you are welcome to read there.

So does the US have a claim to every US vehicle outside of the tech tree? Can I now ask for the F-104G, or the CL.13s? The Sabredogs (which regardless actually we should have)? What about the Leo 2AV, since the US trialed it?

Just because we WANT something doesn’t mean we get it, for better or for worse.

What about the British and their Chally issue? Or the Bramses turret ring? We could talk about the countless other issues that receive plenty of attention yet don’t have an answer.

You are missing the point the greek or australian KF41 that got trialed but never put into service are options for the German Tech tree because no one got them and they are still German built