Pictures relevant to the thread:
Credit: @FurinaBestArchon
“its not fair that a 1X1X1 meter of air its making my shell not spall”
Threads about to get closed lol
So about 8 other members now also have warnings for their Harassment, Insults either towards Staff or other Members…
This behavior will not be tolerated whatsoever…
I was still cleaning the Thread up and came along that insult… so that is dealt with as well… Thanks!
i actually am curious furina its pretty respectful overall when he is talking so, when did he insult the staff?
bro trust, russia is balanced
just look at 2S38 at 10.0
or 2S25M with 3BM60 at 10.0
Or a Pantsir at 11.7 with 20km range missles, radar and a gun (and they also get 20km range air to ground ordance) - meanwhile Japan has a 11.3 SPAA with only IR all aspects below 4 km (which won’t even lock).
SU25SM3 with 40km range Anti tank missiles is definitely balanced.
“2S6 was miserable”
“We had to add the Pantsir S-1, so russia stays competitive at top tier”
Yeah, in that regard France wins. (But only on maps that don’t have clouds, as on maps with clouds the Kh38 takes the win)
The Pantsir was the only option not the TORM1 that was bad (looks over at a dev “you should buff the TORM1 after we just said it was to bad to give to the Russian tech tree”)
that one its rather funny you can ask a lot of people that arent russian mains when they try out the 2S6, its an amazing SPAA but when you ask a russian main “its mediocre, mid at best”
Them i’m waiting for my NATO Patriot systems.
That would teach them.
This rocket guided bomb things are extremely slow though. The KH-38 is Mach 2.2 those bomb things are only like Mach .9 or something like that
It’s genuinely a crime that that thing is at 10.7 it should be 11.0, it’s no where near as bad as some people make it out to be
Yeahw those russian ones are indeed more effective when you don’t have to worry about 20km spaa
it should be 11.7 its even better then the Tan-Sam
looking at you T-90A
Don’t even get me started on that thing