ah sorry misread it, my bad
No worries.
To be 100% fair. 122 beats it in both armour and mobility. 2A7Vs advantages are firepower and optics.
İ didnt unlock neither of them yet, which ones becomes heavier after mine protection kit?
2A7V (66.5 tons).
I tested actually a number of them, inlcuding; 2A4, 2A6, Strv 122A, 2A7V without the mineplate.
2A7V always showed the worst results in terms of acceleration, and of course, the top speed is lower.
Fucking hell.
İt got worse armor,worse mobility while it should be the opposite.
This is not crippling, its a murder ffs.
Eh I don’t expect you take me serious it sarcasm
Fair enough. The only ones or the new tanks I have unlocked yet are the SEPv2 and 2A7V. And even with a low level crew on the 2A7V I can already say that the SEPv2 is an absolute joke compared to the 2A7V (even though I can still do well in it).
It’s still weird how the Strv 122s are lighter while having more armor. Gaijin truely has some sort of fetish for making Sweden the best.
Which doesn’t bode well for the Challenger 3 TD when I finally grind that thing.
Go figure lol.
It’s still weird how the Strv 122s are lighter while having more armor.
This is War Thunder, we do not apply logic here remember!
Well, this is not a big surprise, 2A7V have an heavier cannon, an apu, and im pretty sure the reinforced drivetrain does some effect too.
Problem is, it should have better armor, while weighting more than the 122, while currently it does not.
gonna be a little bit before typhoon. the F4F ICE we’ll be up next alongside some other tornado upgrades
F-4F İCE will be A2A, late model Tornado on the other hand will be very nice for Ground Rb.
No, include them since they are still present haha
The VIDAR is 8.0 and has thermals + is 9 tons lighter with the same engine power…
oh yea sry had the wrong BR in mind so 7.7 then
Given, Vidar should be placed higher than it is.
Additionally, PZH 2000 has a better reload
better reload and a way bigger ready rack but if we get the early version no LRF Gaijin has to give us the A1 for that and the newest for Thermals if i remember it right
yeah but the PZH2000 loading system its so simple and yet convenient that it normally gets loaded in 3 to 5 seconds on average
3sec for 5 round burst and 5 sec for continous fire