Bug or part of the Strv 122B+ kit?
yeah gotta wait until toxin can state his sources , the video propably isnt enough
Can’t wait for them to delete DM12A1 and force us to use HE as stock shell.
omg lmao
acknowledged, will now use DM13 with 300mm of penetration.
The text is from the Gesamtwerk by Frank Lobitz.
btw someone able to make a bug report about the missing internal composite?
fine, I’ll add this.
but if moderater said “need more source” then pls you guys keep carry on.
I have to go to sleep. its AM 3:30 here
sleep well
2PL rises to rank VIII but still doesn’t get its real shell. Puma without spike, PSO without news. It’s good to see the 2A7V is coming, but it weighs almost 70 tons (its mine protection is almost double its actual weight) and its armor is a copy of the Swede’s.
Actually rank VII is almost the same as rank VI from 3 years ago and the new rank VIII is mostly the same as rank 7 when it was implemented.
Is there any news on what plane Gaijin is working on?
I think ICE is out.
Will it be Alpha Jet?
Another tornado? ECR?
Su-27 or F-15 (less likely, but there aren’t too many options and they come this patch).
What other options do we have?
You get tired? Been up until 5 AM once or twice and felt no need for sleep. Although sometimes my coordination seems to get messy and I accidentally knock stuff over etc.
So, can you do anything about the reports being hit with “not a bug”?
Since it’s obnoxious by this point. All of them valid, but get closed down for no reason.
Can we please get some more info on this bug report? Community Bug Reporting System Several sources clearly states that the 2A7V has Composite D and not C like 122
Bug. It should have them.