Lets talk about the state of Germany

I will say that regardless of this, I would still like a Swiss subtree. I want the Swiss f18.


I agree, Germany doesn’t have anything between the F-4F ICE / Mig29 and the Eurofighter. I also love the F-5E and would love to have it in the German tree.



Britain is already getting an improved armor T-90 at lower BR than Russian T-90.


@Smin1080p In regards to the statements made in the KF-41 devblog, if there are so many vehicles left to add to Germany, why aren’t they being added?
Why are we getting drip fed 2 vehicles an update, and pretty substandard ones at that?
Italy gets its 2nd Spike capable IFV this patch alongside an entire subtree, the US and Russia both get ludicrous missiles and airframes, Israel and the US get new SAMs, and Germany gets a past-sell-by date tank that should’ve come to game a year and a half ago and a Heli nobody will use. The German TT doesnt get a tank it develops, builds, and sells, it gets denied Spikes on the Puma, no R-73 on the MiG-29 either.
It seems like the devs have a poorly hidden disdain for the German TT at this point, and I think others will agree with me when I say if there are so many tanks to add, why are they not being added?




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which none of British main ask for they just need light tank


We are introducing new vehicles for every nation every major update. Unfortunately they cannot all come at once and the PSO was the primary focus for Germany this major giving them a supporting MBT. Something that a lot of people wanted to see.

Other vehicles will be introduced for Germany in future major updates. Italy was far more in need of a subtree than Germany currently and vehicles such as the KF-41 (serial production) are unique to them. We had made it clear already this year that Hungary was unders consideration and that Italy had a subtree under consideration. So when both of these things occur, naturally they are going to be the primary focus of a major update. Hence why Italy has received so much this major. The developers are aware of people’s wishes for future German vehicles and they are within our future plans.


We are introducing new vehicles for every nation every major update. Unfortunately they cannot all come at once and the PSO was the primary focus for Germany this major giving them a supporting MBT. Something that a lot of people wanted to see.

People wanted to see the armor add on it could have received which would make it equal to the STRV 122s that are currently making the Leopard 2s pointless to play. They don’t care about some pointless add on side armor that the devblog itself said was useless (nice one gaijin) or a new machine gun on top of the tank. They CERTAINLY didn’t want the bulldozer.


you’re right at very least as modification

First of all, why didnt the PSO arrive far earlier? Its been said many times before but it has been nearly 3 years since the 2A6 was added, and only just now is the side grade of the 2A5 being added.

Yeah this brings zero confidence to me, because that can be anytime, and Gaijins timelines on the German tech tree are rather long, anywhere from the next patch to another 3 years in the future.

I cant wait for those to come far too late and in an unusable state as well, because it seems like Gaijin doesnt do much research into what they put into game.


Let’s see, Leopard 2A5/6 missing armour plates and value’s. The Leopard’s feel sluggish and not as torquey as they should

Puma… Yeaaaa… Let’s not talk about that and it’s immensely dispicable state… Over a year since it’s introduction NOTHING got fixed…

MUSS, it’s main selling point is still not 360 degrees passive soft-kill APS which shines IR-waves too quick for NVD to pick up, Armour is still shit and nowhere even close to where it should be

Oh, right… then there’s AHEAD which they “fixed”… yea, the OTT fixed literally nothing with that…


The Leopard’s feel sluggish and not as torquey as they should

That was reported by @NoodleCup31 like 3 years ago, we figured out that it has to do with inertia values of MBTs. Leo 2s have them set really high to they feel like they’re driving thru mud, at the same time T-80s and M1s have them set really low so it feels like you’re skating.

Best of all? Mods told Noodle that “he’s wrong” and never elaborated on what inertia actually does lmao.


I am not surprised about the PSO Situation in the slightest, this game is and always has been a Tool of Russian Military Recruitment. We Germans will always be the WW2 Bad Guys to them, and be treated accordingly. The removal of the 3 German Tanks Show this, but the removal of the Maus really takes the cake. This iconic and very real German Tank was just scrapped by Gaijin because balancing it was too bothersome. For a vehicle from the Russian Tech Tree, this would never happen. That the Maus returns anually is a very odd phenomenon and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Staff/Devs just quietly stopped, making it unobtainable.

This unfair oppression of the German People will continue indefinitely if we do not act. We need to be clear about the 3 German Tanks being returned to US in their unchanged, original Form. Existing German Vehicles are to be put to the highest possible Standards with new additions happening regularily. The East/West Separation could not stop us, nor will a Russian Corporation!

Deutsche des Kriegsdonners vereinigt euch!

Germans of War Thunder unite!


I feel like Germany is really lacking around BR’s 7.0 to 9.0.

The 8.0 lineup is alright, but there’s a huge jump from WW2 to the M48 and Leopard. I feel like a 90mm armed Leo prototype for like 7.7 is a no brainer, as well as some SPAA to fill the gap between the 7.0 Kugel and 8.3 Gepard. I’m not sure if there was any SPAA the Bundeswehr prototyped or used before the Gepard (not the M42 Duster) that could fit right in at 7.7 or 8.0.

I also feel like the Leo 1A1 would fit in perfect at 8.3, being to the Leo 1 what the T-55A is to the T-54 1951. You could also add the Leo 1A3 but I feel that’d basically perform identical to the Leo A1A1 (maybe a non-uparmoured 1A3 could go to 8.7?).


this is just an example of how the devs care about Germany this topic is almost two yrs old now this was on the old forum talking about the missing bombload of the HO-229 and as you can see the report has been forwarded to the devs by Stuhlfleisch and now 2 yrs later nothing had been changed


i want Zerstörer 45 it may not be able to close the gap between 7.0 and 8.3 but it can fill the gap between 5.0 and 7.0


Yeah I wouldn’t mind that, I’d rather the Kugel just goes down to ~6.7 though.

They could just add a Gepard without APDS at 8.0 as well, otherwise the 8.0 lineup goes to 8.3 just to get some working SPAA.