Believe it or not, Gaijin doesnt add things based on when they are created irl. Not sure what you mean by “what CAS” unless you have never played ground rb. p47, a10, a7, a4, any US plane in rank 1 with a 12.7. ADATS dominated for a good while. The “top dog” nation tends to change. Sometimes it is the US, sometimes Russia, Sometimes Britain.
Not too sure when its been britain, britain certainly has some great vehicles but im not sure they have over been the best nation in the game. Here is one for the russian bias nonsense, which nation dominates in naval, which nation has all the best destroyers, had the only naval SAM for the longest time until the last update that just nullified any other nations planes in all teirs of naval, which nation has the best cruisers in the game, and which nation has the best top teir? the answer to all of those is america, except arguably the top teir, but the nation that has the best top teir certainly isnt russia, it’s fairly evenly split between america,germany,britain and japan i’d say
They were top dog in Air rb for a while when they were the first to get pulse doppler.
I think it is important to note that SPAA in game is broken anyways. The RADAR shouldn’t work in cities, and when pointed at helicopters close to tree lines. In those instances you would have to attempt an LRF adjustment and best known call.
This is incorrect. In Ground RB, ussr has had the best win rate and sat at over 65% since Feb of 2020. So we are talking 3 1/2 years now they have had a highly positive win rate. By the way this dates back to when the top tanks were under BR 11.
Nothing gets done unless russia benefits as well.
Where can you find the win rate? And yeah, usually when they add new stuff, the US and Russia get first dibs which can push their win rate up.
So data from thunderskill?
Yeah there are a thousand examples where russia isnt the best at soemthing but as soon as they are in one aspect of anything, russian bias. its just silly
You know what the Russian-speaking version of Russian bias is?
American bias.
Nation bias is the myth that continues in all communities.
To whoever claimed Obj 279’s ammo is incorrect BTW:
It is incorrect. Their is also documentation on the M-65 gun in russian that shows this.
Then find an alternative to Jacob de Marre’s system & suggest it.
I am well aware
No-one said the penetration of the calculator didn’t match up.
Their claim was that the calculator is wrong.
Refer to the post you replied to as it addresses this post of yours.
It would be a very pointless endeavor as I believe Gaijin has said that they would not be changing the calculator. Although that might just be untrue. At least it’s what I’ve heard, so I suppose it could be wrong.
Either way countless other methods for calculating penetration have been suggested.
The calculator is wrong. Source is that I work at a ballistics laboratory.
How about the actual test data from the M-65 Canon.
The calculator gets many, many rounds wrong. One of the most prominent examples used is stuff like the US solid AP and explosive APCBC rounds.
Problem is that making a more accurate calculator requires generally more complex and advanced mechanisms. This entails more detailed knowledge of the specific projectile, which makes integration of more unknown projectiles harder.
I have access to the most advanced calculators and 6DOF simulations in the world. Unfortunately I cannot share that data lol.