I would like to create this thread, maybe people had the same idea, sharing our Nuke drops and gains,
I’ll start off with one I got recently:
I would like to create this thread, maybe people had the same idea, sharing our Nuke drops and gains,
I’ll start off with one I got recently:
my first nuke was in the T-55-AM1 full downteir 8 kills 2 caps and 3 assists on alaska
managed to drop it.
My first was a single tank lineup, Swedish PBV 501/BMP-1, in Abandoned City.
Second was a match on Sun City, 7.7 Germany lineup, almost lost the game too.
Could do the same in a match a week ago if I’m not wrong, we was almost to lose the match, I could drop the nuke in time.
I dropped 20 nukes in total and 2 yesterday :D
I’ve forgot how much I’ve dropped, maybe I can look for, but I don’t think I’ll be able to find…
My 1st nuke was with BMP-3 .
Did 9 kills
Took down 2 helis and 1 jet.
Assisted with 5 kills
Captured 2 bases.
100% forgot i have the nuke points lol,. Then I took off .
Half way to the battlefield my own teammate shot me down with a jet.
10/10 and never again.
After that I quit nukes ,even if i have the sp. 😅
You did a lot of things. I barely scratch 10 ground kills and few assists,
BMP-3 is a nice vehicle, I like to do the funny hot potato trying to destroy vehicles with the 3OF70 HE ammo behind some hill.
Yeah, I’d have to go pull replays and find the screenshot of my first nuke, and second, I’ve gotten super close around 5 other times, but team-mate stupidity delays my ability.
I went on a 14 day streak dropping 2~3 per day.
Highest amount of kills when I went to drop one, was 23 kills
T-64B in a downtier is a monster, but rarely the moments I could play with it in a downtier.
That is the benefit of having placed in a dead br lol I’ve only played it for a bit after the br changed, a bunch of 120sp which is facing 10.3s, around two 130sp which is 10.0s, and one 100sp, not yet 150sp and I’ll see if I get my first one. It’s in a very similar position like the T-90A when it was 10.7, a bunch of downtier and rarely full uptier.
My most recent one was the Italian T-72M1, I found it really weird, because the Italy T-72 seemed a lot beefier than the Russian one.
I just plowed through the enemies, granted they kept hitting the worst spots of the T-72 to hit.
Very nice numbers for both, a good squad, I’m surprised for the double nuke in a single match.