Leopards w/ spall liners are way too op

The STRV122B+ didn’t got any changes on that regard, also worth nothing it was never adopted by Sweden as well so thats probably the reason why it didn’t got better thermals.

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These reasons are exactly why I’m grinding the Leo right now. I’m soooo bored of the BVM, I don’t want to grind a useless side or down-grade Abram’s, and I don’t have the Swedish tree but I’m not excited about grinding my first armor-less, copy/paste Leclerc

I hope Leclerc along with Abrams will get armor fix and spall liner fast as possible they need it real bad especially Leclerc


it has begun. when soviets cant one click any tank in the game without having to aim

so much suffering


Exactly lmao

They are too used to shooting tanks with zero armor while being nearly frontally immune, so now that they must face a couple of tanks with similar degrees of armor to their own, they are like “NOOOOO, I AM NOT SUPPOSSED TO AIM FOR WEAKSPOTS LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO, I SHOULD BE ABLE TO LOLPEN YOU LIKE ALWAYS!22111!!112”


To be completly fair, i noticed some inconsistencies, but it seems to be related on that: Issues with fragments after armor penetration — We’re aware - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum

Also not related to Leopards, i’ve had some inconsistencies only against Abrams, so oh well. Overall i think the Spall Liner change was a good change, as long as it will be applied to every MBT.


I agree with you, yep!

US has an absolutely terrible top tier lineup, what do you mean? If you’re talking about only CAS then sure I guess but what does the US have in top tier right now that is actually good?

Their best SPAA is the XM975 (which only gets two missiles before reloading, meanwhile the Pantsir gets 12), their best light tank is a whole BR higher than it should be how it is now (I mean how is the 2S38 10.0 but the HSTV-L is 11.0? The HSTV-L has got speed, that’s it. Less rounds, less armor, no AA tracking, no proxy round, and it’s fire rate is twice as slow as it should be), and all of their Rank VIII MBT’s are literally the same tank but the new ones are heavier.

By what logic is any of that a good lineup?


haha the British tree is similar


right now I see germany+usa or + sweeden to face = auto return to garage. Quit pointless to play when they rush to spawnpoint in less than 3 minutes.

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Eat s Russian main that all i can say to them

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NOOO You can’t say that xD

soon we get hit with some nerf or some magic paper showing up out of nowhere stating ru tanks should fire nukes or spaceships or some bs excuse

(I’m not the best player i know but how come that i could not pen him, well rather get his breach ?.. )


So Russian mains need to do more than hold down W and actually aim for weak points?
That must come as a very unpleasent surprise…welcome to War Thunder :D

The 3BM60 is still a fantastic round that goes through any armor, you just need to aim properly.
Been single shot killed in my STRV122 a couple of times yesterday, so as long as you know where to shoot, you’re fine.


And where you think where word Strv122 came from? even before this update because they have to aim unlike other western tanks that why

Russian tech tree mains when their win rates drop below 70%



Well yea, Russian UFPs and Relict have always been acting as spall liners (especially BVM though).
Firepower didn’t change, gunhandling is the best at top tier alongside the Leo, thermals where Gen 3 before and the BVM is more mobile.
The BVM was already cracked af, T-90M only trades mobility for much better turret armor.

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BVM players were always so confident because the armor is great and they could rely on the insane damage model with the side relict.
Also the T-80 is not prone to LFP ammoracks contrary to popular belief.

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Nah he doesn’t believe it i could upload tons of videos where i hit the lfp kill driver (blackhole around ammo) and engine…
Meanwhile i get 1hit killed lul in leo abrams chally etc

T 14 first patch of 2024


I don’t think so…