Leopard 2A7V - The Next German Crown Jewel

there is already build ones, that or you are saying they completly repainted the 1 VT-ETB 2 multiple times

Both of those articles confirm that the upgrade is planned for 2024 - 2025 and that the tank is still in testing. It would have really only been repainted once, for NATO days.

Leopard 2A7A1 will likely never enter service… if you dunno why, here’s the reason: Leopard 2A8.

The 2A8 includes other changes as well, not just Trophy. The 2A7A1 is much easier to produce. It’s also just 17 tanks, sort of a temporary measure I guess.

It doesn’t matter. The point is that 2A8 is all that 2A7A1 was meant to be, but better. We know the 2A8 has already been contracted and that it will have Trophy… so, what’s the point of the 2A7A1?

It’s cheaper and an upgrade for existing tanks. It will be available earlier and as I just said, is just a temporary measure to have some tanks equipped with an APS while waiting for the 2A8.

It is not an upgrade for existing vehicles. The hulls of Leopard 2A6s are no more upgradeable (hence why 2A7A1 was to use newly manufactured hulls because of higher weight requirements, more powerful APU etc). It would also be yet another variant to be put into production, thus taking space away from the 2A7Vs and 2A8s and in the future 2Ax vehicles.

Cheaper? That’s a bold claim because the cost of said variant has never been cited to my knowledge.

2A7A1 lost its purpose when 2A8 became a thing. Plain as day.

so the 2A7V doesnt have target tracking if I understand that right?

All Leopard 2s since the 2A5 have had it - it’s called Rücksteuerung, it’s quite outdated nowdays however because it worked by trying to maintain the velocity of the target, so if the tracked vehicle slowed or changed direction, the gunner would have to correct it by lasing the target again (and at the moment there’s no information on whether that autotracking was improved). You’re probably thinking about the automated target recognition and tracking which is AI aided with no crew input, that won’t be available to Leopard 2s until either 2A8 or 2Ax.



after huge amount of nerfs we really deserve 2a7 and ofc other variants of 2a6 +1


But gaijin give another version of best leo to another country tree… again.

Isn’t Leopard 2A7A1 just become Leopard 2A8? If I remember correctly, bunderswehr and Norwegian army reclassified their order of Leopard 2A7A1 and 2A7NO to Leopard 2A8.

Also, vehicle presented as Leopard 2A7A1 in 2022 presented as Leopard 2A8 in 2023.


It would be more accurate to say that Leopard 2A7A1 evolved into the Leopard 2A8.

In case of Norway, they had ordered Leopard 2A7V equivalents that were reclassified into 2A8 down the line. Germany had never actually ordered 2A7A1 to my knowledge and went straight for 2A8.

The 2A7A1 is still its own project, sepparate from the 2A8. 17 tanks are still planned to be upgraded between 2024 and 2025. Norway never planned to order the 2A7A1, they changed their order from the 2A7NO, which would’ve basically been a 2A7HU, to the 2A8NO.

I’ll believe when I see the order. Leopard 2A8 is basically the death of the 2A7A1 (seeing as it’s simply a better version of it…).

And no, the 2A7NO was much closer to the 2A7V in terms of capability. No turret roof armour add-on, no auto-tracking, no RCWS etc.

what is this photo from?

+1 Its time more modern MBTs from other nations are added!

2a6ex at this moment will be enough:)


Add this to the projectile types.
