Leopard 2A7V - The Next German Crown Jewel

yeah working on it but feeling unmotivated rn

Ik, but it provides additional lineup. I’d rather have another Leopard similar to the 2A6 than not have one at all.

a copy pasta tank realy isnt the solution, there is so many Leopard 2A6 variants similar to the sweden ones that would be possible or the already datamined Leo 2 PSO, come on we want to finaly get better thermals

It’s not a solution, I’m just saying I’d rather get something like that than nothing at all. I do hope we get the PSO or other variants tho.

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more likely for it to be the premium once tier 8 releases, gajin is lazy but they arent that lazy to copy pasta a new top tier tank which has no changes at all

Not that lazy…* nervous laughter *

no, it would have D-tech hull, giving it around 580mm flat protection.

the beautiful thing of the composite armor is that it is replaceable, they can be upgraded over time, show me sources /prove that the standard Leo 2A7 started with D tech hull

2A7A1 is based on a newly built Leopard 2A7 hull and a re-used Leopard 2A6MA3 turret - it has 3rd generation thermals and because it is newly built, it will share the armour package with the 2A7V.

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So we have Russian and Chinese vehicle. What next?
About boxer: I sure you can do it!. Maybe Kf-31,41 at list?

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Does 2A6A3 have an overlay on the VLD?

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That would be very bad, i am not sure which variant you mean but the typical version with the lancer turret would be just very very similar to the Puma, additionaly the gun is “bad” in the game, to much overheat , unaccruate and no programming of the AHEAD ammo, but hey maybe as a result they will fix the Puma with it as well. Something that would be intresting would be Lynx 120 with a 120mm cannon

New lance 2 can use wotan 35 mm, new ADS and Spike Lr will be very useful.

Ahh the MK35f cannon i take it, what do you mean with wotan ? well yeah the strikeshield could be funny but gajin cant even implement the MUSS system right so i have no confidence in gajin implementing it right, so many german tree features are fucked and Spike is an old argument as well, gajn doesnt even wanna implement spike lr yet, the freccia can use them /LR2 but gajin restricted it to its worst armament the MR

That the name of gun

yeah official name from Rheinmetall seems to be MK35f like said

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No actual 2A7A1s exist as of yet. It’s planned to enter production between 2024 and 2025. There’s only the prototype, the VT-ETB 2 (Versuchsträger zur entwicklungstechnischen Betreuung 2). This tank in its current form has add-on composite armour on the hull, meaning it would have improved protection.

As has already been said, this tank uses a 2A6A3 turret and a newly built 2A7 hull so it would have third generation thermals for both the gunner and commander.

No the 2A7A1 exits, you mean the 2A8, the 2A7A1 never is supposed to be produced for the bundeswehr it is the designation for a prototype of the eurothrophy system

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No, the 2A7A1 has not entered service yet. The prototype is called VT-ETB 2. 17 tanks are planned to be upgraded to the 2A7A1 standard between 2024 and 2025.

Rheinmetall advertised the Leopard 2 Revolution to have better protection than the 2A5 and to be on par with the 2A7. This implies that the 2A7 has better armour than the 2A5 but it’s unclear wether they were referring to the actual composite armour or the side add-on that the 2A7 can be equipped with.