Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

Also yes gaijin has just recently started to use kind of ideal reloads but even so they never use them for some exceptions

4 seconds for the Leclerc actually

2 actually


totally no cap bro

That’s a bit of stretch lol.

Make it 1

@Smin1080p Sorry for the ping… but, any update on Leopard 2A7Vs armour rework & model correction?


Call me a pessimist, but I’m surprised people actually believe the armor is going to be fixed (in it’s entirety).

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We’re on that grade A premium grass fed copium…

Model correction?
Not happening mate, at best the hitbox will be adjusted like on the T26E5

“We believe the model is totally and entirely correct to how it is in real life and will not be making any changes.”

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At vert least it should work the same ways as strv122A or just need to put German as Swedish sub tree for that to ever happen?

Funny that the official Bundeswehr homepage writes its topspeed is 63 km/h due to increased armor protection, means armor weight. Talking about a changed powertrain and transmission to improve acceleration compared to former models. Theyre talking about how the new frontal armor is now hardened vs. kinetic threats.

All on the official Bundeswehr homepage. While ingame:

You even get taken out be Mango 3bm42 shells, means you get penned by anything except for a very small strip of the hull armor. Where is that hardening? Where is all this additional weight going to, when the armor still can’t take a shot from a 40-50 year old shell type? Why is the ingame accelleration and top speed worse? What sources uses Gajin? Why is this whole tank worse than 30 year old swedish STRV 122’s?



Actually funny how ducked the model is. Turret ring is placed too much forward, it’s too large, it’s not hidden inside the hull… I’m 99% convinced the model was a last minute patch work. I refuse to believe this model took them more than 2 months, it’s so atrocious that I’ve found plastic models of the vehicle that are more accurate than this.

You can actually see that 2A7Vs turret is placed more forward than Strv 122 in a top down pic by comparing wedge positions, lmao.


Lmao. It REALLY is positioned more forward than on every other Leopard 2!

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My theory is that the PSO fiasco was so big that they needed to release the 2A7 before planned. Smin announcing that there was a Leo in the making months before, make my theory more believable too. They rarely announce vehicles months before patch.


I wasn’t joking when I said that there’s plastic models that did it better than Gaijin:



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The 2 leos back to back sounded highly unrealistic too, they rushed this so bad. While getting another leopard was nice, there’s no point if you do it wrong.

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