Leopard 2A7V discussion & bugs

You don’t see such bug reports tho. Evidence is only seen by the author and staff, and you’d know this if you ever reported a bug.

yeah unfortunately

Are they … joking?

I cant believe that they would seriously discard information provided directly by the literal user of the tank

See it yourself xD

I saw it, I just cant believe it

Y’all need to calm down. Even if the information is from the Bundeswehr, there is logically absolutely no way for the Leopard 2A7V to weight 63.9 tons - especially when an information brochure from the 393rd Panzer Battalion, which operates the 2A7V, tells you it’s 66.5 tons, and driving at 61kph, they are in fact, the literal user of it, and almost definitely correct. The BW page is often times wrong, don’t take it too seriously.

The book by Zwilling also states it drives at 61kph, and he’s got info from BW Armoured Officers.


Ok… after witnessing this tank’s beauty when it has textures (userskin), it has become clear that I NEED IT.

We gotta work hard to have it be a worthy depiction of its real life counterpart! Correct armor, characteristics, etc. It deserves it.


The 66.5 ton figure is including the mine protection.

In War Thunder, mine protection is an optional module.

Therefore, it’s 66.5 tons with the mine protection… AND 64.1 tons without it.

The mine protection plate weights 2.4 tons.

64.1(no mine protection) + 2.4 (mine protection) = 66.5 (official value).


Holy she is a beauty


Yes… specially seen from behind!

My new favourite tank as seen from behind, surpassing Merkava Mk.4M now. The amount of polygons and detail is incredible, while also looking sleek and futuristic AND while also like good old “war hardware”.

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gaijin:“You Bundeswehr know nothing about Leopard 2A7V,the true Leopard 2 experts are us”


only 2 knh top speed difference, it will be fine, no worries.

Cant wait fot this getting fixed


Edit Fixed.

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They will probably get removed as on the other Leos.
The only ones retaining their mudflaps so far are prototypes / demos like AV, PSO and 2K I believe

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Sadly yea… we have then pretty much just on Prototyps for some reason even tho they are modelled on ALL Leopards… but are hidden later
POV: you say modell it just so that you can hide then…

Well for combat it indeed makes sense to take them off irl, but why prototypes retain them in game I have no idea

Sure, but when you look at other vehicles too, you notice pretty fast they also have there Mudflaps visible and not hidden(german tree)


funny how reply from official bundeswehr account can’t be considered reliable source, but some random youtube video about T-90M can be reliable source…